
Creepy Spider?

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So, my roommates and I are very strange so we like to put spiders we find in a glass jar to see if one will eat the other to survive. Well, one specie (SP?) died and the other has been quite busy. Immediately upon arrival to this glass jar, the spider created a little sac for itself and has lived in there for over a month with no food. I don't know how the little guy has survived. Well, I went on vacation and completely forgot about the spider till I noticed the glass jar so i took a look. He wasn't moving so I shook it all around and suddenly a swarm of little baby spiders all started frantically running all around. By this time I dont even know what to think. Did this spider impregnate itself? And how the h**l has it and all the babies tayed a live? Anyone who knows about this king of thing or possibly what kind of spider it is, please respond. thank you.




  1. I have no idea what kind of spider it is, as the behavior is typical of nearly all spiders.

    Spiders can go months without food.  They like to eat weekly but can go longer.  I believe the record for a tarantula a person kept was 2.5 years without food, just water.

    Also, spiders will stay in one spot for long periods of time too.  I recently heard about a hobbyist on a forum celebrating his Poecilotheria regalis tarantula coming out of it's hole for the first time in a year.  

    It sounds like the spider made a little nest and laid eggs.  There is nothing abnormal about that.  Female spiders can also hold s***n for months before using it.  I have heard of spiders waiting a whole year after copulation to lay the eggs.

    Spiders are very patient creatures that normally take their time, but can move surprisingly fast when motivated to.  The oldest pet spider on record I believe was 49 years old!

  2. It is always good to see for yourself -

  3. OH!~

    that is sick.


    i think i might throw up my lunch now...

  4. The spider was already pregnant when you trapped it.  The baby spiders eat the mama to live.
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