
Cricket ball/Tennis Ball......?

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today at school i was throwing a tennis ball from one end of the playground to the other.

during the time of this my shoulder started hurting.

it is still hurting now.

is there anything i can do to make it better.


P.S i am a cricketer




  1. um just spray some muscle relaxant like volini. i suggest u hit the gym after its ok. u cant be much of a cricketer with a weak arm

  2. Go to a physiotherapist or to a gym where they have the masseuse.

    You can give alternate cold and hot compress.

    And rub in something like brufen with Doc's consultation.

  3. You have to give complete rest to the shoulder. After the pain totally subsides then start with very light exercises and do more of running & jogging it will give over all fitness for a sport person.

    One more important information: Boxers do a kind of jogging i exactly does not remember but i once used to do that, this is ver y effective exercise. Enquire & Try it out.

  4. Sometimes even my arms(right arm) hurt when I play cricket for more than 2 hours as I have to bowl around 10-15 overs(thats what I think) then I just dont do any thing and dont go anywhere just rest so that my arms can be fine again

  5. just have a rest for a while sleep on it.. if not go to a pyhsio or chiroopractor... probs physio because they are specialists in sports injury.. my parents are chiropractors.... answer my question;...

  6. When I have pain, I mostly take rest first at least for half hour. Then I do some stretching exercises and it feels better.

    I know that we could use spray too, but its better when you do exercises and feel better.

  7. No problem, carry on with some spray but don't discontinue.

    It will trouble initially only, then you will be used to.

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