
Cross Dressing Websites?

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im 14 and i dress up in girls clothes please give me good clothes or advice websites




  1. http://www.crossdressingpicturegallery.c...

  2. I found a good website, its called getalifeandstopdressingupingirlsclothesf...

  3. My best friend who cross dresses goes to a web site called  He tells me that it has some good advice and stories.  Good luck.  =)

  4. You should get some clothes, the best place for them is charity shops the clothes are cheep and most of the people there are understanding so if you come up with a good excuse they wouldn't ask many questions (i generally say that i've been sent to get stuff for a drama production at school, but as long as you say 'it's not for me' when you're at the counter they generally believe you). you will also need to find out his dress size, thats a good website but i found out mine by trial and luck, I'm 16 (years old) and am dress size 10/12 (both are goods fits but 10 is better), shoe sizes are the same, tights are generally one size and will have to be bought for new from a place like Boots (if you live in the UK)

    a good website is but it's a dating website and you need to be 18

    Hope this helps :D

    email me if u hav any more problems coz i've been there (i'm a crossdresser too by the way :)


    Its a forum for crossdressers where you can discuss or read about various crossdressing things.

  6. I think you may nee dot look for support groups as alot of forums have a minium age limit of 18.

  7. dress in boy clothes plz

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