
Cross country questions?

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just had a couple questions on cross country....

1. I have this pain in my stomach, almost like a sore. i had it during cross country practice, which was killing me and i have it now but its not that noticeable, like when i press down on my stomach i can feel it, before practice i had a bagel and peanut butter. i'm guessing its a combo of eating to much and my body getting used to the hard training? should i have a banana tomorrow instead?

2. what should i consume after practice? we usually practice for about an hour an a half to 2 hours? because i know my coaches say to eat something after?





  1. If you have a constant pain in your stomach no matter what you eat, it's always possible that their could be a cist in your stomach and that usually isn't good. I don't understand how a bagel and peanut butter could make your stomach feel that way unless you have a digestive problem. But I would eat a banana before rather than a bagel. Afterwards, watermelon is good for you. My advice is wait a while and see if the pain is still there in few weeks. If you're stomach is hurting no matter whan you eat, it's time to see the doc. That's all I got...

  2. Well the pain in your stomach is probably a cramp. Some possibilies are eating too soon before a run, or you're hunched over when you run but its probably just that you arent in great shape yet. It takes a while to get used to running hard and its gonna hurt at the beginning but you gotta keep running hard cause slacking off doesnt help at all. Bananas are great for running and i always eat one before I race but it doesnt really matter what you eat before practice just make sure you have enough time to digest, if not eat less and just drink lots of water before.

    2. after practice im hungry as h**l, it doesnt really matter what you eat unless you're like a health freak. I had fried chicken today, just make sure you get lots of calories when you eat after cause you burn a lot by running. Running burns more calories than biking, swimming and walking. Just make sure you take in enough calories cause calories = energy.

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