
Crosscountry puking problem????

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my crosscountry coach made us run 10 miles after school today and everyone got sick cuz it was like 100 degrees.... and i cant stop puking.... what can i take that will make me stop puking????




  1. your most likely dehydrated. Drink LOTS and LOTS of water. take some nausea medicine you can find at your local drug store.

  2. watch what you eat before you run next time. For now, try a little milk to sooth the stomach.I think you may have overstated the distance, that would be a 3 hour run.

  3. I'm not being mean but, when I was in track we never ran that much maybe  about 2-4 miles just depending if we had practice. No coach should make you of anyone run in that kind of heat without plenty if fluids. Next time if you get that sick QUIT RUNNING!!! No matter what he says because this is dangerous. It's called a heat stroke and  dehydration. VERY SERIOUS STUFF!  

  4. First, go to your school counselor and tell him/her about your cross country coach.  Top athletes have collapsed and died after exercising in 100 degree weather.  Seventh and eighth graders should not be running ten plus miles in these conditions.  Your counselor may be able to intervene on your behalf and get the coach to tone down the exercise routine.

    If you still are interested in cross country running, I suggest going to your school nurse.  She may have something for you to take such a diphenhydramine (the generic form of Benadryl) that you should take about one hour before exercise.  That should help control the nausea.  Good luck.

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