
Crossing border into Canada?

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At the US/Canada border, entering Canada, what do they check? Other than photo id and passport? Say I am on a motorcycle, but do not have an endorsement, will they look for one on the license? Does anybody have expirence with what exactly they look at?




  1. I assume by endorsement you meant, a lisence to drive the bike? In which case you need one.

    They will look at your passport, ask what your citizenship is, where you're from, where you're going, how long you plan to stay, if you're bringing anything into the country. Depending what you look like,hate to say it but if you look scruffy and unclean, they'll pull you over and check your vehicle. I know this because it has happened to friends of mine quite a few times.

  2. I have no idea what an "endorsement" is, but typically all they check is your passport. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, they'll pull you over to check through your stuff - just like crossing from Canada to the US. Usually random - unless they've been tipped off to look for a certain vehicle, or occupants, or whatever.

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