
Crossing into Mexico?

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A friend of mine is undocumented and wants to go back home to his family.... and come back legally....he is having family issues and the only current documents he has are older school paperwork and his birth certificate..... What kind of issues will he run into at the border and is it better for him to walk over or bus down there??? Will they let him go over or will they give him trouble ????




  1. Ive walked over the border lots of times from San ySedro and gone straight into Tijuana and never once seen a Mexican official and Im British.

  2. Traveling into Mexico you should have no problem, the hard problem is getting back. I usually travel Greyhound into Mexico and Greyhound back. I am not stopped even once heading into Mexico; I usually get a good night sleep. But coming back it always makes me so mad, between Brownsville and Dallas the bus is stopped 6 times and papers are searched on the bus. It always wakes me up. Going down there bus is better, smooth ride no problem. Coming back, that's the issue. Even coming back legally could take years, but once he has his papers it is so much more worth it. Good luck!!!!

  3. Going into Mexico with his birth certificate is all he needs to prove he is Mexican. Going to Mexico is not a problem. Coming back is the hard part. If he doesn't have a business or a job in Mexico or going to college in Mexico they will not give him a visa. The only way to come here legally at this time would be if he was married to a U.S citizen or a Permanent Resident, which it takes a total of 2 years to get a Visa if married to a U.S citizen and about 5 years if married to someone who is a Permanent Resident.

  4. I don't see why the Mexican authorities would give him any hassle about returning home.  

    I'm not familiar with what happens at the border, i.e. if the US authorities check IDs before you cross over.  However, the penalty would be that he was deported, so it seems moot, doesn't it?

    Just to be sure, contact the Mexican embassy.

  5. He needs picture ID and a birth certificate.  For now.  In a few months he'll need a passport.
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