
Culture Studies? Profession?

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I am going into being a senior in high school and I have some idea about what I want to do with my life, can you suggest a college major or profession that may be closely related to my interests?

I am very interested in studying about different cultures and languages. What I do not want is a desk job, I do not want to be hunched over a computer for the rest of my life. I like to interact with people, whether it be over a phone or in person, and I like to connect with people and build bridges. Because I like to work with people rather than ideas, I would also like to travel a lot during my career. I am particularly interested in East Asia (and even more particularly in Japan), but I still love the whole world and I want to study culture or try to help people personally from different countries all over the world.

Any help would be great! Anything you would like me to clarify? Thank you!




  1. Interestingly enough, though it may not always seem like it, you DO have a lot of options; there's various nonprofit organizations- the Peace Corps., Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, working as a translator, international journalism or law, or even international business. Some of these provide paid positions- particularly if you have the requisite language or other specialized skills- although most start as "volunteer work" of a sort.(Although doctors Without Borders does require years of private practice BEFORE you can join them in actual working abroad). In any case, you have to be pretty unmaterialistic to be interested in most of those- but the benefits of doing something you love are pretty amazing. :)

    Other than that... Be creative! A close family friend of ours makes a living personally assisting Jewish immigrants to America from Israel (so he travels there frquently). Another acquaintance worked as a teacher in an actual African village- and recently moved permanently to Ethiopia. (Quie a contrast from her native New York, you might agree!)

    Hmm... Japan... That's well-known for technology and electronics... Maybe you wouuldn't mind a career in advertising or promoting something? (Just an idea).

    Just don't give up!

  2. Entrepreneurs Accounting Academy offers trainings and seminars for   Accounting Proffesionals and also for Non Accounting Professionals.

    The Entrepreneurs Accounting Academy is an accounting school and business training center for people who would like to pursue a career in entrepreneurship. We stand to deliver to our clients the technical knowledge that they need in starting, managing and sustaining their businesses.

    Each course is designed to equip the student with the technical knowledge he/she needs to carry out his/her responsibilities in any organization. All our training programs are also directed towards this thrust.

    The Entrepreneurs Accounting Academy caters not only to individuals but also to companies who would like their staff trained for specific programs. The Academy can design custom fit training programs for any business organization that wishes to avail of this service.

    The Entrepreneurs Accounting Academy is a Philippine Accounting School that is accredited by TESDA offering short courses in Accounting, Finance, and Entrepreneurs courses. Also, conducting Philippine Tax Seminars, Accounting for Non-Accountants, Philippine Payroll Management , Auditing Tools & Techniques for Philippine Bookkeepers and Accountants. The Academy also offering courses namely; Basic Bookkeeping Course, Advance Bookkeeping Course, Certificate in Payroll Management, Course in Basic Audit Methodology, Diploma in Micro, Small & Meduim Enterprise Finance and Diploma in Micro, Small & Meduim Enterprise Management.

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