
Cure a hangover w/o alcohol?

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Cure a hangover w/o alcohol?




  1. JAGER BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Yes - drink lots of water. The hangover is from being dehydrated.

    To prevent a hangover, when you are out drinking, drink a glass of water every other drink (e.g. have an alcoholic drink, then water, then alcohol, then water, etc)

  3. Plain, cool but not cold, water.  Sports drinks have lots of sugar and dyes in them that can actually further dehydrate you.  Drinking a glass of water between all your alcoholic drinks will help prevent a hangover, which is better than curing one.

  4. drinks lots of powerade, the b vitamins and electrolytes help your liver.

  5. ibuprofen + WATER, lots of water

  6. there is no cure. you just have to let it pass. apparently carbs help too.

  7. Take 2 x Milk Thistle capsules (herb), it will detox your liver

    and you'll feel fine in no time!!

    Don't forget to drink water to help with the flush.

  8. My one friend swears by the alka seltzer hangover stuff.

    Usually I rehydrate myself by drinking a lot of water and  some gatorade to get some electrolytes and vitamins back in my system.

  9. Drink a banana milkshake, works miracles.

  10. Pedialyte

  11. Eat a protein rich soup - Mexican people swear by Menudo, a brothy soup with tripe in it which sounds foul. I like pho, or posole, or old-fashioned chicken noodle. They are salty to help you rehydrate and they have nutrients and the warm soup feels good on your head and like a warm bath.(slowly, if you can stomach it), have a spoonful of honey- someone told me it somehow bonds with the alcohol (not sure how, but it works). Have plenty of water and a bit of caffeine (shrinks your head a little). Rest and baby yourself and try the honey before you go to bed next time with a HUGE glass of water.

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