
Curiosity.... from an italian girl!! ;-)?

by Guest32204  |  earlier

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do you think that people can fall in love with more than one person???

thanks to all that will answer!!

buona giornata a tutti (have a good day!!)





  1. I don't think you can be truly in love with more than one person at the same time, but you can have strong feelings/infatuation for more than one person at the same time.

  2. yes but don't confuse love with infactuation or lust!

  3. I think you can have strong feelings for two people at one time. But not matter what you feel for those two people, you're always going to love one more than the other. And you can't be in a serious relationship with too people, so you'll have to make a choice to be with one or the other.

  4. No its not possible to "fall in love" with more than one person but it is possible to love many.

    Falling love is something you share with one person, so of course it can not be spread around.

    I love lots of people really love them but I am in love with just one my gorgeous s**y wonderful italian fiance.

  5. Yes, ciao baby.

  6. Is it possible for an elected government to have no overall control in parliament?

    It does happen, but it is not very effective and results in many indecisions.  

    Even in a situation with an elected government with no overall control,  there is still a party which is named as the government but it has no overall control.  It is just the government in name, not in terms of control.  

    It would be a bit like falling in love with one person whom you live with, and being in love with another who you do not live with.  You cannot be in two places at once, and so one always has more power than the other.  

    I would guess that you can be in love with everyone in the world, and that you can be in love with nobody. You have to make choices in the end, like voting on a voting slip.  You can spoil your vote by choosing more than one candidate, or you can choose none.  You can also decide not to vote at all.  

    However, if your vote is the deciding vote, then you have to live with the consequential government.

  7. Why not.As a man i fall in love with more than one woman.

  8. I am not sure whether true love actually exist. It seems more like a temporary high you get when you meet somebody "special." I feel that there is really only one true form of love and that is the love you share with your closest friends and family.

    As far as marriage works, I think it is best for people to marry somebody that generally has a high compatibility with you. There are plenty of people like that, I am sure. You basically need to find somebody that you will not fight with a lot, but when you do have a disagreement, you and your partner will find a way to resolve it and have deeper understanding of one another.

    The thought of "true love" or a mere infatuation is my theory to our soaring divorce rate these days. People are marrying on a whim rather than marrying the one that they can truly get a long with. In a great line from Jerry Maguire, the person you should marry should probably fit this midset:

    "You complete me."

    My theory has managed to F me over though. I tend to get stuck in a position that intrigues me to want to date a friend, but unfortunately, the "friends zone" is a whole other demon these days.

  9. Certainly! =D

  10. All the people answering this have obviously never been in real love, just infactuated, muppets

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