
Curves on a country road?

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You're driving down a back road that you're not really familiar with. You're doing about 50, nice day, no snow or ice on the road. Bare asphalt.

You see a series of large curves coming up ahead. A sign says 40 MPH

I slow down. My friend says that's silly. That they always post a sign that's 10 MPH slower than what really is safe.

Which of us is correct? What do you choose to do?




  1. You are correct.  You are suppose to slow down to posted speed for a curve, especially if you are on an unfamiliar road.  You don't know how tight the curve is, what blind spots are past the curve, or if you are entering a speed zone.

    Curve speeds are a god send, especially for truck drivers.  The high profile of the vehicle requires drivers to drop 5mph or better below posted speed for the curve.  Then, gradually press on the throttle to increase in speed, in order to keep the load from shifiting & causing more problems, such as a roll over.

  2. your friend is right that the signs are almost always conservative. you're right that it's better not to take it for granted that it's safe to blast through.

    sounds like you'll probably live longer than your friend.

  3. .

    Ask have yourself to blame for errors!

    Speed limit signs indicate the MAXIMUM for that stretch of road, irrelevant of prevailing conditions.

    If you want to RACE, and safely, go to a track. That's serious fun!!

    How much difference will 35mph (safe?) or 45mph (risky?)make to your arrival time if you've left in good time?


  4. Just follow the rules of the road and you will live longer, these signs are for your safety.

  5. 65

  6. You are correct.  Even though a curved road has a posted sign, who's to say what is safe for YOU, especially if you are unfamiliar with the road.  The sign is there for a reason but maybe a person who is familiar with the road may go faster through the curve and vice-versa.  It's like driving in the rain, you tend to slow down even though the sign says 65.

  7. I believe the signs are posted at the safe speeds for trucks. At least that's my conclusion after 53 years of driving every state including Hawaii and Alaska. The signs, black letters on yellow background, are not a speed regulatory sign but an advisory sign. When I'm in my motor home I adhere to them as it generally isn't safe driving it through them at a speed higher then the signs. In my car however, if the road is clear and dry, then ten miles faster is generally OK. There is an exception though, When you get into the mountains, on a two lane road and in a national park, the signs are generally pretty close even for a car.

  8. Depends on if you're driving a sluggish gas guzzler, or a sports car.  I would slow down, you never know till it's too late, if the other person heading in your direction is thinking the same way as you.

  9. Just remember, the wheel is your hands and you have control of the vehicle...If your 'friend' doesn't like the way you drive, pull over and let them out...You'll be the one to get the ticket...You're the one that can be sued by your friend when you crash - if you live through it...Follow the signs.

    BTW - good observations.

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