
Cut it or Burn it?

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How much of California must go up in smoke before we tell Environmental Activists where they can plant a tree.

When will they learn that Logging, Replanting, and Clearing of dead underbrush would have greatly minimized these fires.

In their feeble attempt to save a tree, they have essentially been responsible for thousands of acres of destruction.




  1. If you wish to leave environmental activists (or anyone else) better informed, you should give detailed information to back up your case, rather than soap box rhetoric.

    All I know from your question is that you think environmental activist do more harm than good, but you give me no reason to believe you.

  2. Clearly too much fighting of fires has backfired.  Now there is too much underbrush and some forests are thick with diseased trees.  Fire is natures way of cleaning it up.  Now when a fire goes through it burn unnaturally hot and too often kills even the healthy trees.

  3. cut it burning it would pollute the air

  4. Although these fires are a tragedy, I don't think your solutions would pan out in the long run--as well as your ignorant blames on environmentalists.  These fires are blazing so intensely because of human suppression of natural fires.  The techniques you suggest (logging, replanting, and clearing brush) would likely result in consequences that would negatively affect human society.  For example, your suggestion would require so much energy that it would render the entire operation utterly useless (for one, we would have to wait hundreds of years for the sequoias to regenerate).   We are clearly stuck in between a delicate mix of environmentalism and human domination of earth's ecosystems which has proved, again and again, to result in negative consequences for human society.  The solution, I believe, is to take a more natural and holistic approach to everything.  Harvest the natural powers of nature instead of mangling it and rendering it useless.

    For more examples of how human influences have had a dramatic affect on natural systems, click here:

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