
Cute Slogans.?

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I need funny/cute/meaningful sayings to put on the back of our school T shirt... help




  1. KISS MY ACE! That's a great one!

  2. Going down Gets it Up!

  3. ~bustin ours to kick yours

    ~hook up your bra straps, put on your big girl panties and... DIG IT!

    ~can you dig it?

    ~you wish you could hit like a girl

    ~may our game be as tight as our spandex

    ~get your game on

    ~cant take the heat? get off the court

    ~anyone can quit. stay in the game

    ~sure, its all fun and games. til we kick your butt.

    ~if volleyball was easy, they would call it football

    ~(list) tossed and turned all night

    slept through the alarm

    was late for school

    completely spaced the test

    broke up with my boyfriend

    played volleyball...

    not a bad day

    ~some call them opponents...

    we call them victims

    ~have you hugged a volleyball player today?


    ~you can not possibly know how hard it is to find a lipstick color to match these floor burns.

    another thing you could do is come up with a top ten list for you team. something like...

    10. score at will

    9. floor burn rocks

    8. better than chores at home

    7. excuse not to grow out my nails

    6. the need to take out my agression on a defenseless ball

    5. either this or cheerleading (no contest)

    4. we make tube socks look good.

    3. nothing feels better than a spike to the grill

    2. seting me up has nothing to do with guys

    1. Facials are free!

    well, i hope this helps. also, try some of the sites at the bottom. good luck.

  4. Slam it down, dig it up.

    how hard would u play if there was no tmorrow?

    leave it all on the court

    no pain, no gain.

    pain is weakness leaving the body.

  5. We had a cool one on the back of our school t-shirts last year- they said Ayersville Pilot Volleyball with a net and a ball all tangled in it on the front, then on the back License to Kill in neat letters. We obviously asked the school administrators first, so I strongly recommend that. They allowed us too, and I thought it was a pretty neat thing! There is also "If volleyball was easy, they'd call it football!" That one is a funny joke around our school. Good luck!

  6. Bump-set-spike it

    thats the way we like it


  7. 1.Are you really trying or am I that Good?

    2.WARNING- any volleyball spiked by me or one of my teammates will cause pain or in some cases sudden death.

    3. Volleyball-I just gotta play

    4.Guys are great- every volleyball team needs a water boy

  8. Here are a few that I found.

    Actions speak louder than coaches

    Life is short, play hard

    My boyfriend said if I spend another night playing volleyball he would leave me...gee I'm going to miss him.

    Attack (v) to set upon the ball with such force that your opponents go home crying to mommy.

    Good Pass, Good Set...GOOD BYE.

    Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

    Would you like a manicure with that facial?

  9. Bump, Set, Spike

  10. Heart of a champion


    Step off

    it's all about volleyball

    silly boys, volleyball is for girls

    girls are natural volleyball players, boys just look good doing it
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