
Cutters only!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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If you cut did your parents or family find out? If they did what did they do and how did they react to the information. Did you continue cutting after they found out and if so how did you hide it. Please help.




  1. Yes, my family did eventually find out. They saw the cuts on my arms and legs. My mom threatened to take me to the mental hospital, so I had to be more careful about hiding the cuts and scars. I wore long-sleeved shirts and long pants to hide the cuts. It was really hard to hide it, especially from doctors. I continued cutting even after I was threatened several times to be taken to the hospital, and it seemed like I couldn't stop. But I stopped six months ago, after leaving gash-like scars on my arms. I was afraid of having doctors see my cuts and being taken to the hospital. I also didn't want to influence my siblings to cut themselves, so I stopped.

  2. If you're still alive to be worrying about this, then you did it wrong.

  3. My mom watched an episode of Oprah about a cutter, and then became suspicious, as she always does after watching Oprah, and noticed that I was wearing wristbands.

    So that's how she found out.

    She suggested a therapist, but never got one [Big surprise, it wasn't the first time she promised me a therapist].

    But I kept doing it, just not as much. It was still kind of an "Addiction." So I moved on to my legs and upper arms.

    I don't do it anymore, it just makes me feel worse. Plus, the scars will just remind you of the times when you felt so S****y, you turned to hurting yourself.

    Be happy, think of rainbows. :]

    Otherwise, smoke weed! xD [<-- no, not suggesting that. Wait til' it's legal.]

  4. i was in a car accident and taken to a hospital and they saw my cuts and informed my family that i had to be moved into the psych ward. my family didn't really notice it as a cry for help, so they didn't make much of an effort to get me help after i was discharged from the hospital, so no, i did not stop once they found out. I was ashamed of always having cuts on my wrist, so i found it just as satisfying to cut myself on my torso, but now im forced to wear tank tops over all my bikini's to cover the scars, although the scars on my wrist are visible too. I would suggest just getting help, its not worth the shame you'll feel when you get older.
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