
Déjà vu is really bothering me?

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For example, sometimes when i'm talking with friends and they say something i all of a sudden get this feeling as though i remember them saying it. Or when i'm at the movies something happens and i get the feeling as though i've already have seen it, even though it's my first time watching the movie. It also happens when i'm out and i look at something and i feel like i remember it from the past, but it's the first time i've ever been there. this happens randomly,anywhere from several times a day to months apart.

Why is this happening to me?




  1. idk but that stuff is crazy...happens to me all the time too.

  2. Don't sweat it dude.  This happens to everyone.  Happens to me all the time.

    I've never heard a good explanation for it yet so I have no idea really why it happens.  But it is very normal.  I have heard it's a memory association thing and that seems logical...but who knows. are normal.

  3. It happens to everyone, maybe not as frequently, but it does happen.  The funny thing about  it is trying to explain it after it happens always makes you seem kind of because you never remember until after it happens.

  4. The scientific explanation for deja vu (meaning the sensation that you've been there before) is simple.  The brain has long term and short term memory storage.  Things go into short term first, then later if it's recalled enough to be important the memory goes in to long term storage.  Sometimes, for no reason, a memory will go straight into long term storage, by-passing short term completely.  Since the brain is used to things in long term being there a while, and used frequently, it assumes it's a memory and that gives you the feeling that you're in a dream or have been there before.

      Less interesting than the theories that you dreamt it before it was going to happen or that you predicted it but hey.  It's science!

  5. Do you smoke weed? I used to smoke several times a day every day for a few years and I started to get constant Déjà vu in the same instances as you state and even more. I know exactly what your talking about, not that mild Déjà vu, but the "I KNOW that I've seen, done, said this before" kind. Now that I don't smoke anymore though, I rarely ever have it. Maybe there is a connection though if you are on any medications or smoke or do other drugs.    

  6. I have read that it is your brain short-circuiting. Some researchers think that the "wires" so called that connect to your short-term memory sometimes send things to your long-term memory, making you thing that you have seen or heard or experienced something before. I get it sometimes too, It could be a result of stress or fatigue.

    :) strange huh?

  7. Deja vu happens to almost everyone at some time.

    I have heard that deja vu is like an 'echo' in your mind.

    It happens when you experience something (like seeing a scene) but that original experience somehow does not get to your conscious mind... it only gets as far as your subconscious mind. Then... perhaps only a split second later you see the same scene again but this time it gets to your conscious mind... suddenly you think... 'I've seen this before'... and it feels like a memory from a long time ago. In fact it IS a memory... but from only a few seconds ago.

    So... it's a mind trick.  A very interesting one.

  8. Deja vu is a Real occurence.It is very much unexplained, but it does exist. Many people, including myself, experience it on a regular basis. Sometimes you meet people and you know somehow t hat you've met them before, or as you say, hear something from someone and feel that you've heard it already and those kind of situations.

    It's happened to me a lot. Like whenI think of someone I havent thought of in a long time, the next day they call me or their name comes up in a conversation. I often dream of things that then ultimately happen also.

    Life is a mystery, don't stress too much about it, just go with it. Learn about lucid dreaming and meditation or deep meditation. This can help you better understand the phenomenon you are going through

  9. I get that feeling sometimes too. I would write it down and keep track of this feeling.

  10. I get this all the time too! I can only think of writing it down and also write down your dreams, that might be where it's coming from. Good luck.

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