
DAW episode 10 WQ inside?

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The night starts with Teddy Long in the ring. He says that tonight it will be the first ever Lottery Spin Night, and it is simple. Who ever champion will choose a name the bowl they will have to face tonight for the championships. So the champions come out and Edge and Christian go first. They choose CM Punk and Chris Daniels. Then Awesome Kong goes up and she chooses Kane. Then Lita goes up and she chooses ODB. Then Jason Morgan goes up and chooses The Miz. Then The Undertaker goes up and chooses Sting and HBK.

1) Matt Morgan vs Big Show

winner Morgan after the F-5 on a chair

2) High Killers Championship

Jason Morgan vs The Miz

winner and still champion Jason Morgan after the Spin Cycle (Dominator into a Diamond Cutter) after the match he was attacked by Petey Wiliams but was fought off after Morgan hit the Mini-Slam (Rock Bottom Power Bomb.)

3) John Morrison vs Carlito vs Chris Jericho

winner Chris Jericho after the Walls of Jericho on Carlito

4) DAW Tag Team Championships

Team Canada (Edge and Christian) vs CM Punk and Chris Daniels

winners and new champions CM Punk and Chris Daniels after Punk hit the GTS on Christian and Daniels hit the Angle's Wings on Edge

5) Cage Match/ no. 1 contender match for DAW championship

JBL vs Batista vs Matt Hardy vs Even Bourne vs Rey Mysterio

winner Matt Hardy after the Twist of Fate on Even Bourne for the pin

6) DAW Women's Championship

Lita vs ODB

winner and still champion Lita

After the match Gail Kim comes out and says that she is challenging her for the Women's championship at the PPV

7) First Blood Match

Mick Foley vs Bret Hart

winner Bret Hart after he hit Foley with a chair

In the back with Teddy Long, he says that he is adding a championship. It is the DAW Extreme Championship and it will be Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy vs Kurt Angle in a Hardcore Match

8) DAW Extreme Championship/ Hardcore Match

Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Kennedy vs Kurt Angle

winner and new champion Jeff Hardy after the twist of fate on Randy Orton through a table

9) DAW Championship

Kane vs Awesome Kong

winner and new champion Kane after Kong was tripped by The Beautiful People

10) DAW Heavyweight Championship

Undertaker vs Sting vs HBK

winner and still champion Undertaker after Taker threw Sting in the outside HBK tried hitting the Sweet Chin Music but Taker Reversed it and hit the Last Ride for the Pin

After the match Teddy Long Came out and said that at the PPV it will be a 12 man tag match it will be all the champions teaming up to take on their contenders so it is going to be Kane, Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, Jason Morgan, Chris Daniels and CM Punk vs Matt Hardy, Sting, Randy Orton, Petey Williams and Team 3D in a winners take all match.

WQ: 2004 Undertaker or 2008 Undertaker




  1. Another excellent DAW show with WWE and TNA stars in classic matchups.I also agree with all of the results, especially CM Punk / Christopher Daniels and Kane as the new champions lol.It's well thought out and starred !

    WQ~ For me it would be Undertaker 2004 when he was using The Phenom persona.Two of his best matches are from this year.At Wrestlemania XX vs Kane and the Great American Bash vs The Dudleyz.

  2. That show was really good and i would've problem seeing it on TV, the matches look enjoyable  to watch, and this would be way better then the stuff we see on ECW, if wan can call it that ? cause WWE so mess up the name of ECW. and it would be better if they keep the 3rd brand but change it to a difference name

    Here are my 3 favorites matches

    1.First Blood Match

    Mick Foley vs Bret Hart

    2.DAW  Heavyweight Championship-

    Undertaker vs Sting vs HBK

    3. DAW Extreme Championship/ Hardcore match

    Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton vs Mr Kennedy  vs Kurt Angle

    WQ: 2008 Undetaker

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