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Once you have a baby that your life is over? I kno your life would change and everything but do you think its ok to go out on saturday nights sometimes and go dancing or something or would that end too?




  1. ofcourse not. Its fair once in a while. But Baby needs so much love and care and a mom shld spend max time with the baby. but doing it once in a while its fine, but only after handing over the baby to the one u trust the most.

  2. no, just hire a babysitter. my cousin had a baby at a young age and she always had a babysitter while she went out partying (even though she should've been home taking care of the baby).

  3. Your life is definitely not over.  However, it is obvious that your priorities will need to be reordered and/or replaced with new ones.  For example, making sure the baby is taken care of should be placed at a higher priority than going out, but that doesn't mean you can't get a baby sitter once in a while so that you can continue to do those things.  It's up to you to find a balance you are comfortable with.

  4. No not all thats like a whole nother meaning to life. most people may say that it slows life down and it stops alot of stuff. but i think raising and teaching your kids is the best thing ever.

  5. I dont think that.ok dont get me wrong,i love babies but you need a break like for real.So i dont see anything with finding a baby sitter and going out every once in a while.Personally,I dont like drinking or smoking around a baby.I've known people to have a baby in high school and still finish school go to college and take care of there baby

  6. I don't think your life is over

    Unless you haven't got anyone to help you look after the baby

  7. your life will certaionly change

    by the time you have a baby, your feeling towards something else will also change.

    maybe you will not like dancing anymore

  8. that's a horrible thing to say. It definitely changes unless you don't care about your kids. I don't think its okay to go out every weekend. Occasionally is fine. You will probably need a break occasionally. But everyone needs to own up to their decisions to have children.

  9. I think your life gets better and more full filled but I also think that yes, you absolutely can and should go out every now and then...everyone needs a break sometime. It doesn't make you a bad mother.

  10. No, your life is just beginning. You have a wonderful new little

    person in your life. It will be different, of course, you have responsibilities now more than before. You should still be

    able to enjoy your life as well, ask a grandparent to babysit

    occasionally and take a break when you need one.

  11. I had my first baby had 16 and then my second at 18 with my second yes i never went out but when she was about 6 months i did go out for the first time she was with her daddy so i knew that she was ok, they're 6 and 4 now i don't go out often, i go out maybe once a month if that but thats my choice i could go out alot more if i wanted to. If your the type that likes to go out every weekend then a baby isn't for you cause it just wouldn't be fair to the baby.

    Hope that helps.

  12. I have 8 month baby girl, I'm happy to have her in my life, but i realize that all my habit in life are changed since she born even my relation with my husband but I'm always trying to live my life the same and to give my self a space and to give my husband all his needs. The important thing is to organize your life in the way you see it right don't let your life stop because of your baby because that will depress you, all you need is a little effort to organize between your life and your family.
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