
DO whales have hair??

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DO whales have hair??




  1. Yes they do because they are Mammals. Any animal that gives live birth has fur!!!

    (exept the platipuss)

  2. on there p***s

  3. yes like bristles they're also mammals

  4. Yes they do and u still owe me my cotton candy -.-

  5. Yes.  That is

    one of the things that make them a mammal.  To be classified as a mammal

    a mammal must give live birth, nurse their young, breathe air, be warm

    blooded, and have hair. Even though they have evolved to become

    streamlined, thus losing their hair, whales and dolphins are born with

    hair.  Believe it or not they are born with facial hair--like whiskers.

    Early on, the calf will lose the whiskers but the hair follicle will

    remain.  On a dolphin you can see the white spots along their rostrum.  On

    a right whale the white patches called "callosities" occur where hair

    follicles are present.  These whales often appear to have mustaches,

    eyebrows, beards, and even side-burns.  On a humpback whale there are

    k***s or bumps on it's head called "tubercles."  These tubercles are

    actually the hair follicle.

    I hope this helps.

  6. not even

  7. The whales I knew did, Bob, his wife Carol, and both boys Tom and Bill. All had hair and lots of it. Last I knew Bob was greying, but Carol and the boys seemed to be still natural.
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