
d**n Post Office!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone else had this problem? You get a package delivered through USPS. You're not home when they attempt delivery. Their tracking system claims they left a notice but when you check the mail box there is no notice. This is the third F***ing time this has happened to me!!! Where's my F***ing package!!! I hate holidays.




  1. I expedite  for fed ex,and that use to be a problem,we couldn`t leave a package unless we had a signature release on it but more people was complaining! ( i don`t blame them) so they changed their regulations to the opposite IF you DON~T want it left with out a signature now that is what your signing for,.other wise ALL are left in a safe dry spot.

    call that 1-800 # and track it

    good luck

  2. You are a victim. Feel sorry for yourself and cuss some more. It's the mature thing to do. Starting tomarrow commit to being a man and get over yourself. Life is full of b.s. It's how you react to it that counts.

  3. It is possible that the carrier didn't have the form to fill out when delivering your package.  I have had that problem before.  I go out on my route and forget to get the form (called a 3849) and scanned the package as attempted when no one was home and wrote it up that afternoon when I got back to the post office.  If you don't get the 3849 you can still pick up your package at the post office without it, just give them  your address.
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