
Dance Partner??

by  |  earlier

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What is a good way to find someone to learn to dance with (ballroom, salsa, etc.....not grinding)? I want someone to go out dancing with but I only know the basics.

Since the guy is supposed to lead, it is even harder to find a woman to dance with (after all, who wants to dance with someone that doesn't know what they are doing?)

Any ideas?.........classified, just show up at an event, etc




  1. Showing up does help. Take lessons; there are usually more ladies than gentlemen. There's likely at least one club in your area like a USA Dance (formerly US Amateur Ballroom Dancers' Association) chapter.

  2. You can try websites like or You could also just turn up to a class on your own, you don't need a partner to start learning, and chances are there'll be so many girls and so few guys you'll find a partner in no time :D
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