
Dancing - someone help please?

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ok well ive been passionate about dancing for about 2 years now(hip hop) and i know its what i want to do, but there where no oppurtunites for me to dance apart from in my house, but ive just found a hip hop dance school thing and i am starting it up, im 15. Is this too late to start dancing as a career? is it a good career, i mean like appear in music videos, movies, do big performances and stuff? and how long do you reckon id need to be doing it for, someone please help? thanks.x




  1. I don't think that's its to late because that's the age that I started dancing at church so if you are really good dance at talent shows and things like that

  2. if you are commited enough you can get anywhere you want to with your dancing.

    dancing is a hard career to get noticed in (just like acting and such) and you have to be very commited and persistant. if you don't get a job dont take it personally that is the way to ruin your career. you just need to push through

  3. Girl, it all just depends on how good you are. They certainly wont care on how long you've been doing it if you're REALLY REALLY good. Because that's what it takes. They only take the best of the best. I wouldn't wish the life of a dancer on anyone, because it's very hard.

    Good luck, and only do it as long as it makes you happy!


  4. it is never too late to start dancing! (So You Think You Can Dance Winner- Sabra has barely been dancing 5 yrs!)  and I don't think it is all about how good you are but how hard you will work.  I DO recommend finding a dance studio that offers hiphop because you should learn some technique to avoid injury and learn really cool trick like jumps and spins.  when following a teacher try very hard to make your body look the exact way the want it to (positions and movement, not weight and appearance) and by all means keep dancing at home too!!

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