
Dark circles under eyes...?

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I have really dark circles under my eyes!

No matter how much make-up or foundation I put on, I always seem to still have them!

Does anyone know a quick, easy and hopefully free way to get rid of them!?

Also, I have really good skin and I cleanse, tone and moisturise everyday, but I have a c**p complexion! I'm quite blotchy and red in some areas.

Does anyone know how I can get rid of this too!?




  1. maybe you need to cleanse, tone, and moisturize less.  You could be having a reaction to the chemicals you use.

    Drink a lot of water, and get enough sleep.  I guarantee you that won't hurt.  

  2. There is a skin system out there, but it ain't free.  But it worked for my mother, its called Olay Definity.  Its a revolutionary skin revolving system that will change your skin completely.  It got rid of my mothers dark circles and evened out her skin tone very well.  Now you can purchase their products at your local drug store.  The many products range from $5-$25! It really does work, also try for a coupon for $5 off, if they still have that offer.  In addition to that the site offers a video where you answer questions and they suggest some of their products. good luck!!

  3. I immediately wonder if you are getting enough sleep - dark circles under your eyes could be a sign of sleep deprivation.  If you are carrying a sleep debt, it unfortunately will not be cured after a weekend of good sleep; a sleep debt is something that can only be re-payed over a longer period of time, as long as you ensure that you get enough sleep every night - no exceptions.

    I don't know if this is your problem, but I have dark circles under my eyes and I KNOW I am carrying a serious sleep debt... getting enough sleep is easier said than done.

  4. i don't want to scare you but persistent dark circles under your eyes are a sign of kidney failure...if you're getting enough sleep and drinking enough water and they're still there, i recommend you go see a doctor just in case.

    as for the red and blotchy skin, it sounds like you have sensitive skin, and maybe even dry skin. maybe you're not using the right moisturizer for your skin type, or you're over-cleansing/washing your face. try putting aloe vera on your skin for a few days and see how your skin reacts - it should calm it down.

  5. I have dark circles and lots of puffiness especially in the morning.

    The one thing I have found to work is "Sudden Change Under Eye" serum. I put it on everyday before I shower and it significantly reduces puffiness and circles. No total cure, though.

    Remember, they are probably darker in your mind then they appear to others.

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