
Dark circles under my eyes?

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Since becoming a vegan dark circles have developed under my eyes. How can I get rid of them?

(And no rude answers like "stop being vegan" or "go eat a stake" please. Thanks.)




  1. Dark circles is a sign of low iron in your body,,,,you call a doctor and be tested and there is medicine for this....I know, cuz i have low iron,,,and i also have the dark circles and i am not a vegan

  2. preperation H works!

  3. Dark circles are not dietary in origin.  The most common cause, according to the Mayo Clinic, is nasal congestion.

  4. Dark circles is common non-hormonal skin problem.

    Dark circles under the eyes are caused by a very specific physiological mechanism. There are many contributing factors to the development of these dark circles and even more things that can make them worse.

    Dark circles are not caused by stress, all-night work or partying sessions or fatigue. Dark circles under the eyes are a fact of life. Many people assume they're caused by not getting enough sleep, and they're right.

    Home Remedies Dark Circles Tips:

    One of the best natural cures for dark circles under the eyes involves using cucumber slices for more information on making cucumber eye pads

    Other home remedies for dark circles surrounding, or under the eyes include:

    1. Drink at least ten glasses of water everyday.

    2. Yoga can also help you to get rid of dark circles. Do pranayam for atleast 5 minutes everyday.

    3. Massage dark circles with any cold cream before going to bed atleast for 15 minutes.

    4. Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice.

    5. Dip cotton balls in rose water or chilled water and keep it over the darker areas for 5-10 minutes.

    6. Almond oil is the excellent skin food. Massage under and around the eyes with almond oil daily for 2 weeks.

    7. Apply moisturizers with natural ingredients such as avocado oil, sesame, vitamin K and Vitamin E.

    8. Apply a paste of powdered almonds and milk under the eyes.

    9. Slurp this juice to get rid of those tainted circles. Drink tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt.

    10. Eat food with rich vitamins and iron. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

    11. Use sunglasses while out in the sun to protect your eyes from the harmful rays.

    12. Cut some fresh figs in half and place them under the eyes. Keep them there for 15 to 30 minutes and rinse it with warm water.

  5. My uncle eats red meat, and he's anaemic. So even meat eaters can have low iron levels. It would be a good idea to get your iron levels monitored by a professional in the medical field. See a doctor to rule out any underlying health problems.

    Try improve circulation to the eye area with a gentle 5 minute massage each morning- I found this YouTube video that gives advice on how to reduce the puffiness underneath your eyes, but it shows you how to do an easy, simple massage that increases circulation to the eye area:

    Increase your iron intake. Fortified breakfast cereals provide iron that is easier to absorb than other veggie sources such as nuts, but make sure you are eating a variety of foods. Also, increase your Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) intake by eating nuts and drinking fortified soya milk. Read the label to made sure it has added Riboflavin. (Good sources of riboflavin include whole grains, mushrooms, almonds, leafy green vegetables and yeast extracts).

    Your lifestyle plays an important role. Ensure you are getting enough exercise and gets lots of sleep. I can't emphasise this enough- sleep will work miracles on dark circles caused by tiredness or stress. Make sure you drink plenty of water too, and manage your stress levels by spending time with your friends.

    Good luck =]

  6. uhm... put stuff on them to make them go away/?? idk ask  ur doctor or somethin.

  7. Some people say if you put cold tea bags on your eyes for 15 mins, the caffeine in it helps.  Hope that works for you!  Good luck!

  8. Are you getting enough sleep?   Are you stressed out?  Those could also cause dark circles.

  9. You need to monitor how many calories and how much nutrition you are getting.  Eat fortified breakfast cereal with soy milk for breakfast and a bedtime snack.  Eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, faux meat, and stay away from the junk.

    That will help you a lot nutritionally.  Get at least 7.5 hours of sleep per night and drink enough water.

    That's what works for me.

  10. cover it up with make up

    get more sleep

    have some freaking protien!!!!! get protein supliments!

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