
Dating While Pregnant?

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Is it ok a for a women who's 10 weeks pregnant with twins to be dating. The pregnancy was unplanned, it was a brief fling I had some months ago, and he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me and won't except the twins as being his until he takes a paternity test. Meanwhile, I met this guy a few weeks ago (almost a month ago) & he said he wants to be exclusive with me.

My friends and family say that I should be weary of the intentions of a man who would want to be in a relationship with me, knowing that I'm pregnant by another man after only a few weeks. They seem to think that I've lost my mind, they say I should focus the next 7 months towards having a safe pregnancy and safely giving birth to my twins and worry about dating once I've adjusted to motherhood, but why should other aspects of my life stop just because I'm pregnant by a guy who isn't my man?




  1. Go for it.  Pregnant women are still women, not just vessels for the fetus.

    Good luck!

  2. As long as he knows upfront, I dont see the problem. However, what will his role be once you give birth? What if he cuts and runs and you are left heartbroken once the twins are born?

  3. I already feel sorry for the twins.

  4. Dating is absolutely fine, there is nothing wrong with seeking companionship and caring from others.  Especially at a time when you need more emotional support than ever!

    Be upfront about the pregnancy, and I'm sure that the jerks will be weeded out pretty quickly.  It would take a really stand-up guy to pursue you and care for you throughout your pregnancy with a child that is not his.  If you find someone worth keeping, who wants to be with you, that's wonderful.

    I would however caution you against dating *too* much.  It can be an emotional rollercoaster, so proceed slowly and be *cautiously* optimistic about the good one that may come along.

    Also, I wouldn't recommend being very physically intimate, at least not for a while.  Remember that you are carrying a developing baby, and while pregnant are even more prone to infection and illness.  Make sure that anyone you are intimate with is tested for STDs and HIV and even still, please make sure to wear a condom!  You don't want to risk the chance of an infection while pregnant (or at all)...

    Best of luck to you!

  5. Why should you be weary? I would think that if a man wanted to date you while you're pregnant, knowing full well those babies are not his, then his intentions are pretty clear. He wants to be with you.

    I do not think you have to set aside your happiness while pregnant. You can still ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy for you and your babies while safely enjoying yourself. Do what you feel is right for you.

  6. A man you met a few weeks ago wants to be exclusive with you?  Even if you were not pregnant, I think that's odd.  Serious relationships take time and effort.

  7. So he knows up front that you're prgnant and wants to be with you? He sounds like a good guy to me. Like he wants you for you. I would go for it ;-)

  8. i dont think there is anything wrong with you dating though remember to be extra careful with s*x because of STDs. You might find someone that will be there for you and your children. Good luck and just because your pregnant doesn't mean your life needs to be put on hold. Congrats

  9. I would be more worried about your twins then your dating life. If this guys truly wants you, he'll wait until your children are born.

  10. Wha makes you think the guy your dating is goin to be ready to take care of twins? Did he know you were preagnant? In my opinion, i think you should just be freinds with him and not jump into a relationship at this point.

  11. I don't think you should put your life on hold just because your in a job where my life HAS to be put on hold now im pregnant and all it does is make you unhappy.  However, i will say be careful, dont do anything which would put yourself at risk, take things slowly and more importantly, make sure the health of yourself and your unborn twins is paramount.  Don't let this guy come first because he shouldn't but thats not to say you guys cant catch a movie or a meal.  If he knows your circumstances and is ok with it then he may well be a decent bloke.  We girls are so quick to label all men dogs that we let the good ones pass us by, however be wary and take it everyday.  don't put yourself in any situation which could be problematic in any way.  Enjoy ya pregnancy and your life whilst being pregnant and you will have a happy healthy baby.  Trust me, an unhappy pregnancy is a horrible thing because it drags.  I cant wait to be a mum but because of my job and circumstances i have to just sit and wait to give birth before i can have my life remotely what it was like with work, fitness etc.  Just because your seeing a movie with this bloke doesn't mean your disregarding a safe birth of your twins.

  12. I understand what your family is saying BUT your right for telling him your prego upfront. Plus he one of the few men who will go along with your situation!! But be very very careful bout having s*x with strange men while pregnant!!! Because getting an STD is one thing but getting one while prego can really hurt and be VERY harmful to the unborn babies!! But I say go for it if he treats you right!! Best of luck to you and your babies!!

  13. Hun having twins is tough on you and your body and now your 10 weeks what happens when your 6 months if you think he will stick around then that's up to you personally you should concentrate on your pregnancy and avoid stress , if he still wants to see you then that fine your health and babies should come first

  14. dont

  15. I would say this probably isnt a good idea

  16. just as long as he knows you are pregnant, and you are honest with himm. and he accepts you for you.. then i say go for it.. if the other man isnt going to be in your life and help you through this time.. and somone is willing to then give it a try.. whats the harm?

  17. I don't know... I say go ahead and go out and have fun, but I wouldn't be getting serious or having s*x with someone you just met while pregnant. But that's just me.
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