
Daughter has diarrhea and rash?

by  |  earlier

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she is five months old and has had it for about a week and a half (the diarrhea). the doctor has switched her to nutrimigen formula which she is finally eating only that (she refused it before because of the different taste so we were mixing the formulas). she has a yeast infection also because of so much diarrhea (at least that is what they say). It is very sore and painful (I have been putting generic lotrimin and hydrocortizone on her rash). My question is does anyone know what could be causing the diarrhea? I know that I should ask a doctor so please do not say that. I will be calling the doctor tomorrow to try and find out why nothing is getting better. She doesn't act like she is ill or anything. She acts perfectly fine until I have to change her.




  1. It could just be the change in formula. It might take a couple weeks to get her body adjusted to it. Is she on an oral antibiotic for the yeast infection? (I don't know if they give that for yeast infection so don't freak out if she's not.) If she is it could be the antibiotic that is causing the diarrhea.

    Good luck.  

  2. If you are using tap water to mix the formula that could be the cause!  I would use ready made (if you aren't already) for a week and see if it clears up. Or you could use bottled water and see if it is the tap water in  your area that is causing it.  Give it about a week though.  If you have been changing formula or mixing different formulas every few days that will mess with their little systems and cause diarrhea. Try sticking to one brand/type for a week and see if it helps.  Lotrimin and hydrocortizone are so hard on a babies skin but if the doctor recommended it then so be it.  You might want to try desitin and aquafor mixed for diaper rash.  I am so sorry you and your child are having to go through this! Be strong! This too shall pass!

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