
Daughter having accidetns?

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My 5 year old daughter as started having accidents about 2weeks ago.

She refuses to use the bathroom and pees on the floor or in her clothes!

She said last night while sitting on the couch mommy i need to pee! and she pulled her pants down and sat on the floor and peed! I said Kyra we dont pee on the floor we pee in the toilet! She said oh well! I said Kyra your cleaning it up. When she does this i tell her to take her clothes to the bathroom and wash them out in the sink and put them in the laundry room and her basket and take a clothes and wipe the floor!! SHe has a tantrum about it says you clean!

My husband and I are at the ends of our ropes!

I am pregnant with our 2nd child (3months) but it never bothered her! (she is as excited as ever)

So whats going on?

She does it in public as well and sometimes she will go in to the washroom and she just sits on the toilet and poops and pees anywhere! Friends, Family houses, car! anwhere!




  1. Sounds like jealously might be kicking in, try using pull ups and explain to her if she can't use the potty like a big girl then she needs to wear pull ups till she is ready to use the potty again,

  2. I honestly think you should start being more stern with her.

    She's doing it because you keep going easy on her.

    Im not doubting your parenting skills or anthing, but she needs to learn her lesson.

    Im not sure what your types of punishments are, but you should start reinforceing them wih her.


    Try making a star chart. (Im a daycare teacher, this works for me).

    Start her off with 10 stars for the week.

    Everytime she has an accident, take a star.

    At the end of the week, if she still has all her stars, she gets a treat.

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