
Daughter to bed on school nights?

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what time does your grade schooler go to bed on school nights? my almost 10 yr old daughter goes to bed 9:30 p.m. and on weekends, she gets to stay up til 10 p.m.




  1. When I was a kid, I had to be in bed by 8 or 8:30.


    That is your discretion.

  2. thats a late specialy for a growing child.U should work out a system with her like a kid proof.because when i went to elementry school i was like in bed by like 8pm and i was asleep at like tell her to go relax or play in her room going to bed that late probably makes her a lil unfocesed i would me i'm a high schooler and i still like to got to bed at like 9pm because it helps in the morning when i have to learn in school.good luck!

  3. my daughter is almost 9 and goes to bed at 8:30 every night (including weekends).  she wakes up between 6:30 and 7.

    if your daughter is waking up on her own and seems rested and happy during the day, then she's fine.  if she's cranky or tired or having trouble getting up, then you may want to put her to bed a little earlier.  kids, like adults, do vary in how much sleep they need.

  4. My daughter is almost 10 also.  We settle her in her room at 8:30 and hang out, talk, snuggle until 9:00 which is lights out time.  She has to be up for school at 6:20.

    Just out of curiosity,since our daughters are close in age, does yours seem to be moody lately?  E-mail me if you have the time.

  5. my son is in bed by 7:30(5 year old).....but the important question she sleepy in the mourning,cranky,hard to she falling asleep at school...if so then its too 3 year old can fall asleep at 10pm because she gets a nap a daycare.....but when she doesn't get a nap she falls asleep on the couch at 7......on weekends we go to bed late but we wake up late also....

  6. YAY!!!!

    i am so glad that other posters agree with me!!!

    My X keeps my kiddies up til MIDNITE!!!!

    Their bedtime is 830 !!!

    He has them ONE day a week and when they come home i can hardly control them!!!!!    The teachers complain they cant keep their lil eyes open......and they call me at 11Pm watching the NEWS!!!! its ridiculous!!!

    I have been fightin him on this one for YEARS!

  7. You should take in concederation is what time she gets up in the morning for age children should get about 9 to 10 hours of sleep during the night. On the weekends friday and saturday.. friday late as they want. on saturday.. 10 is fine.. it really depends on the child.

  8. My mom tried a bunch of things like 8:30,9,9:30. depends on the child. Some are sleepeir then eachother.

  9. It really depends on what time she has to get up.  Kids of that age need at least 9-10 hours of sleep.

  10. my 7 year old goes to bed at 8:00pm on week nights.  week ends, she gets to stay up until 9:00........but we've found that she's asking to go to bed around 8:30.

    what time does your daughter get up in the mornings?

  11. 8am - gets up at 6am

    9 or 10 on the weekends.

  12. that's late! I went to bed at 8:15 or 8:30 all through elementary school.

  13. 8:30-9 on school nights, 10:30 on weekends

    (my son is 9)

  14. My oldest is almost 16 and she has to be in bed by 10.  The 10 year old gets until 9 at the latest and the 8 year old at 8:30

  15. Wow that's kind of late for that age. What time does she get up in the AM? My just turned 10 yr old goes to bed at 8:30 every night. It actually isn't good to go to bed at different times during the week. It throws off the body's natural rhythm. Last summer we let her stay up until 9 pm and maybe this summer we will up it to 9:30 but for the school year it will be 8:30 until middle school. Children that age still need at least 10 hrs of sleep at night and you have to figure it takes at least 30-45 minutes after laying down to actually fall asleep.

  16. My sisters grade schoolers go to bed at 7:30 pm. My son doesn't have a set bed time he goes to sleep when he gets tired ( which most of the time is about 8 or 9)

  17. My son is 8 he goes to bed at 9p on school nights and whenever on the weekend which is usually 1030p. He gets up at 7am everyday regardless...unfortunately he just cant seem to grasp that on my one day off I would like to sleep till oh say the late hour of 8am!

  18. My almost 9 year old starts getting ready for bed around 8, and is in bed usually by 9. I shoot for 8:30 but this time change has really messed us up.

    BTW- she gets up at 6am to get ready for school

  19. During the weeknights, our oldest goes to bed at 8:30, but is allowed to sit up and read until 9pm. On Friday and Saturday nights, bedtime is at 9pm, reading until 9:30.

    He gets up at 6:45 every morning. :)

    Each child is different, and when soccer season starts, I'll find him passed out at 8:45. There is no one rule, and no etched-in-stone answer for everyone. Whatever works for your family and your daughter is what's best.

    Hope that helps!

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