
David Copperfield's characters?

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I have a major problem. But it is partially solvable.

My freshman year, I had a summer reading assignment with a dreadful book, but I read through the whole thing. Then when I took the test on it, it was disgustingly easy.

So I thought I'll just go to spark notes and cliff notes for David Copperfield for sophomore year. Then I went to English class, and the teacher is one of the toughest in school. So I regret my actions.

I have a quotes exam on the 19th, which is 4 days from now. In this exam, he will give a number of dialogues, and I have to identify the speaker.

So if you can, please please please just tell me how I would identify what character it is or how they speak. The quiz can ask about any character, so anyone who talks is fair game.

Thanks a lot!!!




  1. Hi Diggy, I'm sure you will find what you need, bear in mind that this particular novel is autobiographical.

    (This is the stuff you really need to know. This link will provide numerous quotes.)

    Who's Who in David Copperfield

    This list of characters from David Copperfield is presented in alphabetical order.


    Autobiographical Elements:  David Copperfield


    David Copperfield Charles Dickens  


    Features: Chapter-By-Chapter Summary and Commentary, Plot Summary, Character Descriptions, Literary Analysis - Themes, Point of View, Form & Structure.

    This is the place to learn about the life and work of Charles Dickens.  It's also home to the largest collection of Dickens quotations on the web as well as the Daily Dose of Dickens.

  2. Below are a few links that will help you with quotations.

    The second link in particular should be very useful for your upcoming exam; it lists approx 70 quotes and identifies the speaker.  

    Best of luck to you!  : )

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