So..I recently put my 3 month old baby in daycare because I had to return to work. The lady that is watching him runs a daycare out of her home and also watches about 6 other children. Her husband also helps. My problem is a few times that I have picked him up he has smelled really bad. I could not quite pin point what the smell was until yesterday. His onesie and his over shirt both were very wet on his right shoulder. They were completely soaked through. Today, on his onesie, I could see a stain that had dried up. I could see the outline of what looked like some type of liquid that had dried up on his outfit. Do you think the lady taking care of him might be propping his bottle up? If so, how do I talk to her about it without offending her? Should I even worry about offending her? I need to work and daycare for 3 month olds is hard to find but I don't want my baby to be mistreated either.