
Dead End versus No Outlet?

by Guest21201  |  earlier

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I would like to know why on those certain streets, two different signs are posted. Sometimes you will see Dead End and other times you see No Outlet. Why not have only one kind of sign posted.




  1. You know I never thought of that,I guess some may have been made first,like Dead End and then someone dreamed up the NO OUTLET sign and to save money they are still making use of the old signs>Dead End,and then replaced the old and worn ones with the new No Outlet ones! Only a guess!

  2. They mean same thing...................

  3. As far as I can tell, they essentially mean the same thing. I think the reason for having multiples (names) is that since it's not a manditory, safety issue, it's up to the city or county that issues those kinds of signs.

    Hope that helps.

  4. Well, I would guess that either these two signs are from different jurisdictions, or countries.

    Maybe the "Dead End" sign was far too negative and depressing and so they decided to upgrade new areas  to something more upbeat, like "No Outlet" sort of makes you think of No Walmart up there, or absolutely NO Retailers located up this road?

    Maybe the guys at the end of the road marked "No Outlet" in order to maintain some privacy from drivers coming up the single driveway at the end and asking them questions about getting out of the area?

    All of this is said tongue in cheek of

    Actually, I do believe they mean the same thing, but may be from different areas.

  5. Dead end usually mean that the street in a town or city and only has houses on it.. and no outlet means that the street is usually in the country more and maybe doesn't have many people living on the street and it usually has field that farmers plant in or something at the end of it.

  6. Who cares??

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