
Deaf ed question!!?

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Im a communication science and disorders major and Im trying to get my BA in deaf education to become a Deaf ed teacher for middle schoolers. Whenever i start my student teaching internship, will i be interning at a school for the Deaf or will i intern at a regular classroom for a couple months or years then teach deaf students??? Tnx for your answers!!!




  1. It would depend on your program and if there was a school for the Deaf near by.

    If there isn't, then you might try interning in a public school that has Deaf students in it. You may have to do the research to find the program yourself. Check with the Special ed. departments in the districts around you and see who heads up the D/HH department and make personal contact with them so you get a good mentor.

    Try to get other endorsments while you get your degree so years from now you can move laterally, if you need to.

    Good Luck \III/

  2. Starr, first of all KUDOS for being a teacher!  One of the toughest jobs out there.

    I have a friend, hearing, who's an interpretor via ASL & I have a little cousin, deaf, who went to a school w/ a program for her, but then they had hearing teachers teaching. From what I understand, that can't/shouldn't be done. What I would do first is talk to you guidance counselor, talk to other students who have taken this internship. I would also talk w/ the teachers' association in your state. Ask if this is even appropriate, or if this is what they offer because of the shortage of teachers, teaching the deaf, not just deaf teachers.

    Good luck.
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