
Deal with bullies?

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I have come across only one teacher in all of my life who dealt effectively with bullies. There was no bullying in his class, he was no-nonsense. It's supposed to be part of the job for a teacher, whether they be school, dance or something else, to have proper control over their class. If bullying, be it mental, emotional or physical, goes on in your class, you have lost control. So why do nearly all teachers have no control? It's not difficult to stop a bully in your classroom. Teachers use the exuse they cannot touch a child, and must be careful what they say. So choose your words, tthese are apparently educated people. If they can't find the words that are appropriate to deal with unkindness, how did they pass a teaching degree? When I see bullying it makes me very angry, and the anger causes me to act. When I speak to them it stops. I know it will continue outside but it stopped in the place I was. Why can't teachers do this?

When did teachers become so pathetic?




  1. I don't agree that it's teachers who are pathetic, I think it's the parents who side with their children against teachers, thus removing any authority a teacher may have. Let them do their job i say.

  2. Allow me to give another point of view.

    If a pupil is being bullied, talking to the bully doesn't prevent the bully and his her friends not talking to the victim, excluding the victim from groups. Vandalising the victim's property when no one is looking, anonymous texting and phone calls to the victim. etc etc etc.

    Talking to the bully doesn't solve the problem, because the bully just gets his or her friends to take over.

    The fact that you have met only one teacher in your life who dealt effectively with bullies should indicate to you how difficult it is to deal with the situation.

  3. In my view, teachers have been pathetic throughout the last century, they have no control because the bullying happens when there is no teachers there.

    Itll be in the corridors or in the playground where theres not sufficient supervision.  Bullying an issue that is difficult to prevent, you can punish the wrong do-ers but you can never stop them doing it in the first place.

    Good luck with bully prevention

    you'll need it.

  4. being yelled at by a teacher is little more than annoying from a kids point of view.

  5. My son was been bullied by a boy who was kicking him in his testicals.

    I saw the head teacher and made sure that he knew I know that my childs welfare is with him when he is at school and Im allowed to sue hiim if harm comes to my child.

    The bullying soon stopped.

    It might have had to do with a little word in his ear that I will send my son to school with steal toe caps shoes and get him to kick the bully repeatedly in his testicalls, his reaction was we cant have that.

    The pearentsof the bully were called in the school and thretened with a suspension order .

  6. I agree, our maths teacher cant be asked to do anything, thank Jebus I don't have him next year, cos' if I do I'm gona kill myself!

  7. i agree with you...but not all teachers are like that.there are few like you..i think the reason that they can't control it is because they are either not aware of the situation,or are tired of the situation and make the student lead their own life or because the student does not speak if he is being bullied or not...not very clear but i think that is why.

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