
Dealing with over-protective parents?

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I am a girl scout leader for 3 years and daycare provider for the past 6 years. I have a girl in my troop whos mother is way over protective. We are planning a overnight campout in my backyard. When i called the parent she told me that she really has to trust the parents for her daughter to stay the night at someones house. Then goes on to say well she stays at Lana's house and at Katies's house. So to me it sounds like she doesn't trust me. I am offended by this. I told her well she doesn't have to stay the night she just come for the day. My daughter dont like to stay at other peoples house not because of me but a fear she has. I would of taken it much better if she would reword it. Any advice to ease her mind? I told her i have been certified in cpr and first aid for the last 6 years.




  1. As a kindergarten teacher, I can tell you that the best way to deal with over-protective parents is not to take them personally.

    You know that you are good at what you do, so don't let them get to you. Let her make the decision she feels is right, and forget it.

    Also, it helps if you give them frequent updates, more than you would for a normal, relaxed parent.

  2. It would seem you don't have kids of your own.....

    I don't see how you can call her over protective. How long have you known the mom? I won't let my kids stay at just anyones house either~~does that mean I'm over-protective? No it means I'm a good mom because I care where my kids are and who they're with! STOP trying to convince the mom to let the kid stay over-night or you may be down one girl scout because of it. I would stick with the plan to have the girl come for the festivities, but remind the mom that she can sure come pick her up that evening so that the daughter doesn't need to stay at your place.

    I know people where I live that are daycare providers and troop leaders and NO WAY would my kids go to their houses for any length of time! Maybe she feels that she can't trust you. So what? Get over it and move on.

  3. just tell her that you will be able to be reached by phone and if little susie has any concerns, she can be picked up at any time.

    just remember that it might not be the mom, but the daughter. the daughter could be worried and the mom might be finding her an excuse to get more info and options so her daughter feels safer.

  4. It may have been better if she had reworded it, but perhaps she simply didn't know how.  I think maybe she knows Lana and Katie's parents on a more personal level than she probably knows you, and that's what she is uncomfortable about.  I also know what you mean about your daughter - when I was younger and we had a Brownie overnight in tents in someone's backyard, I did what you said and stayed for the day and left at night.  All you can do is reassure her you are capable of taking care of the girls, let her know if any other parents will be there helping (she may be more comfortable if she knows them better), and let her decide what she wants to do from there.

  5. The mother has the right to determine where her daughter sleeps at, get over yourself.

  6. Don't take it personally.  You may be experienced in first aid, cpr, etc, but she only knows you as her daughter's girl scout leader, not as a close personal friend.  Some parents just aren't ready to let their kids sleep away from home, especially when they aren't friends with the family.  You will also be supervising a large group, and you'll be sleeping outside, so she may feel that her daughter needs more attention than you can give her.  Maybe the girl does need a lot of attention at night- lots of kids can't sleep through the night and end up in their parent's bed.

    You can ask the mom to chaperone the campout with you.    

    You could also ask if the girl can stay until 10:00, and then perhaps come back at 7:00 in the morning, instead of staying overnight.  She'll still get the whole experience of camping out with the exception of sleeping.

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