
Dealing with snooping party guest?

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Any ideas on what I can put in/on my medicine cabinet to embarass a snooping guest? I'm afraid to use marbles for fear someone would fall on them.




  1. Put a big sign that says " STOP LOOKING IN MY MEDICINE CABINET YOUR SNOOP!!!"

  2. put a sign that says, "STEP AWAY BISH!" or put in a music box O.o. they'll open it and the music will play.

  3. Put a note with "WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE GOING TO FIND?" taped to the inside.

    Or you could put a fake hidden camera...or a real one.  Might be funny to see their reaction being caught on candid camera.

  4. Unscrew the hinges a little bit so if they open it, the whole cabinet falls down.  Dead give away hahahaha

  5. Put a syringe and a spoon with a lighter see if they ask you about your drug problem! That will bust them.


    Put a pic of a naked person with that persons (who is looking in their) face on it! That will freak them out.

  6. Inside the medicine cabinet put in one of these signs:

    1) Get a Life!

    2) Of COURSE, if would be YOU!

    3) SMILE, for the camera.


    Or put a couple of slinkys in there

  7. How about a snake? Just tie its mouth shut.

  8. a big note


  9. A soup pot would make a huge noise :)

  10. put a sign in there that says::

    "please don't snoop. it's not nice."


  11. thats so funny

    rice or beans maybe

  12. Confetti

  13. cockroaches!!!! ewwww

  14. put a pregancy test box with the test acutally missing

  15. Find a way to make something fly/pop outta' there when the door is opened, really give the person a scare.  Check a party store, maybe they have a joke section.

  16. Cotton balls? I don't know, that's kinda cruel in a funny sort of way.

  17. Spencers Novality Store used to have a mini f**t alert, which was motion sensored.

    you could get one and mount in just inside your cabinet door and when it is opened, a loud warning signal goes off and says very loudly, ALERT, ALERT, CLEAR THE PREMISES, THE BOMB JUST DROPED, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.!!!!

    That would be halarious!!!!!!lol   We had one in our bathroom on the toilet paper roll area and I just can't tell you how much fun we have had with it, as well as it has made the male visitors aim a little better. lololo

    Or you could just put a note inside your cabinet written in large letters  "Ah Ha! Smile you're on my hidden camera!"  Either way you will get your point across.

    Good Luck,  Jackie b

  18. Put a post-it note inside the cabinet that says "Thank you for repaying my hospitality by going through my private belongings!"

    If their momma taught them right, they'll feel like enough of an a$$ not to do it again.

  19. either lock it or remove everything for the party if you are that embarressed about the cabinet.

  20. a f**t machine or some gadget that spits water out at them when they open up the cabinet

  21. You can buy on line a dusting powder that will turn blue when wet.

    Great Stuff. And you don't have to say a word one way or the other.

  22. Take everything out of there and hide it somewhere.  Leave a note in there that says, "Shame on you for snooping."

  23. There's actually a commercial for something on tv, where someone opens a medicine cabinet and MARBLES roll out.......

  24. How about rigging an alarm to sound when the door opens?

    That would be good for a laugh or two.

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