
Death Note Question About The Rule...?

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where the guy dies by the death note. In the anime Death Note somewhere in the beginning, doesn't one rule of the note says that if a persons name is misspelled more than four times it will not take effect, but when Light was testing this "notebook of death" he wrote Takuo Shibuimaru (or Shibutaku for short). He wrote the name several times and the guy still died. The Notebook still worked and I know that it wasn't a coincident because "L" figured that the guy was the first person Light killed. Or does the rule mean if the FIRST four written down in the note and one of them is right, it will take effect?




  1. Ha!  You're absolutely right!

    The rule states:  

    "If a Death Note owner accidentally misspells a name four times, that person will be free from being killed by the Death Note.  However, if they intentionally misspell the name four times, the Death Note owner will die.  The person whose name was misspelled four times on purpose will not be free of death by a Death Note."

    It does *not* specify in what order the misspellings must occur.

    And I think it's safe to say that Yagami misspelled it on purpose, since he did not wait to see if Shibuimaru Takuo would die after using one spelling, and then try another.  

    Not only should the note have not taken effect, Yagami should have died then!

    Unfortunately, the Death Note story is not without its faults.  I too was observant enough to find one, concerning rule # 31, and exposed it here in Y!A in hopes of being proven wrong... wanna see?;...

    = )

  2. Well, the right spelling was the first one, I think, so I believe that as long as it is spelled right within the first four, the Death Note will still take effect.

  3. Yes, if the first four written down in the note and one of them is right, then it will take effect..

  4. If It Is Written In The Same Note As The Whole Paragraph If He Writes The Name Once Correctly He Must Spell It The Same Each Time Cuz If Not Therefor It Does Not Take Effect, This Rule Interacts We Another Rule Stating, That YOu Must Have Both The Full Correct Name And Image Of The Person You Want To Kill In Your Head While You Write Is Or Her Name In The NoteBook, With Or Without A Cause Of Death, If You Don't Write Or Start To Write A Cause Of Death Within The Next 45 Seconds He Or She Will Simply Die Of A Heart Attack..... Hope I Helped..... =]]]]

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