
Death Note or Code Geass?

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Which show do you like better? Why if possible.

Also, please rate the two series on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best).




  1. I like Death Note more.

    Death Note - 8/10

    Code Geass - 7/10

  2. Death Note — 9

    Code Geass — 8

  3. That's a tough one.  Death Note is really dark, and certainly has it's appeal because it isn't black or white, but very very grey.  Code Geass has a fairly complex story and has the action and intrigue associated with that.

    I think I like Death Note more.  It is intellectually more stimulating and I began to get into it myself by trying to figure out "this" or "that."

    Death Note — 9

    Code Geass — 8

  4. Death Note. Code Geass is good, but im not really into the whole robot thing.

  5. I like Code Geass the best. The reason I like it better is because it was the first one I saw of the two, and it was more interesting to me(in my opinion, although I love Death Note after!!).

    Death Note-8/10

    Code Geass-10/10

  6. Code Geass by far. The plot and storyline is more complex, the character designs are a lot better, the animation is top notch and the twists are just mind-bending. Not to mention, the protagonist and villians are a lot better than the ones in Death Note. I've finished reading the DN manga and watched the whole anime and am up to date with Code Geass R2 episode 18 and I can say without a doubt Code Geass is a lot better.

  7. Death Note. Psychological crisis and the twisting of a good person to a bad person is just plain awesome. The artwork is really good, and the storyline is one of the best.

    Death Note: 10/10

    Code Geass: 9/10 (not a fan of CC)

  8. I've only seen a bit of Code Geass, but it is very intruiging... I'd say by plot, the two are tied. (my friends'll kill me for that...) But, I am more appealed to Death Note, for the sheer justice in what Kira does. I mean, honestly, in the middle ages, how many people were murdered that often? How many people stole over the fear of their hands being cut off?

    Cruel, yes. Effective, yes.

    Anyways, besides the point, Code Geass has a good twist in the characters, they delve much deeper within their psychs, and they're less stereo-typed then Death Note.


    DN: 7

    CG: 6

  9. I like Death Note from what I saw of it. I haven't heard of Code Geass. I may have to check it out.

    I'd give DN an 8. It makes you think a lot. Haha.


  10. I'd rate death note 9 because the story is just so good and even though its only 37 episodes they pack more into them than say the entire dragonball z series (i like that too dont flame me!!!).

    Code geass i'd say 8 but ive only watched the first series and its only that low because im bored of the mecha style anime.

  11. I know some people who argue that Code Geass is very similar to Death Note, to that I say, you can't compare them.

    Code Geass: Mecha/supernatural anime

    DeathNote: supernatural/detective anime

    the only reason ppl compare them is because of the supernatural parts and the main charecters both happen to have superiority complexes. I suppose you could also compare the plots, but that's a very thin line.

    So then you could compare the few parts of them in common, so it come down to...

    Geass vs. DeathNote=Lelouch vs. Light

    And you would have to debate on that. But, there's way more to each anime (Code Geass has action, complexity and more drama, DeathNote has more loveable characters, and more complexity).

    So it really comes down to opinion. I get that it comes down to opinion in the first place, but it end's up as...

    Do I like mecha anime or detective anime?

    In coclusion, the few things they have in common becomes pointless, overall I give both 10/10

  12. Deathnote, but Code Geass is awesome too


    code geass=7/10

  13. Death Note more than Code Geass.

    Death Note 8.5

    Code Geass 8.0

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