
Death Penalty or Life in Prison?

by Guest33163  |  earlier

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What is worse if you were that person on trial?




  1. i would choose death penalty over life in prison. i would rather get it over with, than having to spend the rest of my life in a cell waiting to die. can you imagine how horrible that would be? what would you choose?

  2. That's a tough one; if it's life with no possibility for a parole then I'll take the Death Penalty! At least I won't need to watch my *** when I'm dead!

  3. life in prison. the death penalty can put one person out of their misery, and has the potential to make the world safe of that one person. life in prison, with all that torture one goes through, and the high possibility of being raped, the emotional baggage that goes with that, and having go through that everyday, it's definitely a harsher punishment than getting the death penalty.

  4. If I was the person I would prefer the death penalty. Your life would never be the same after several decades in a prison, chances for employment are limited, family would be dead or distant, presumably a waste of the peak of your life.

    I also believe that the death penalty makes more sense than life in prison, in extreme cases. It shouldn't be taken lightly, but at the same time, why drain the taxpayer's wallets to keep that trash alive?

  5. One cannot choose what is the worse between the two. Liberty is the most important right that every person have, to loose it is like loosing ones life. Offended party in situations where family or loved ones are victims of crime, it is easy to favor Death Penalty.

  6. life in prison

  7. In my line of work, I deal with prisoners on a fairly consistent basis and though it would be very difficult to put yourself in someone else's proverbial shoes (and the fact that I whole-heartedly oppose the death penalty) I would have to go with life in prison.

    Though the prison system in the U.S. is EXTREMELY disheartening, broken, and further failing (if that is even possible), I would still have to opportunity to live as much as possible. Look at the former gang-leader and murderer from California who turned his life around and ended up doing charity and writing children's books in prison for the rest of his life. I think with this topic it is so easy to judge, but once you really know and SEE what happens behind bars, you can't really ever GET it.

  8. probably death penalty due to the fact that you are put in a small cage and have no contact with others, plus the stress of wondering when are you going to be snuffed out.

  9. Death penalty would be worse.  Death is final! Where there is life there is hope for a miracle that would free me.

  10. I would say that the prison term is the worse as I have spent time in jail myself as young teenager . It was all for stupid for unpaid traffic violations . But let ma say that the feeling was like an animal in a cage and scared as well . The death penalty is scary as you are aware that you will die but the sooner you have accepted it and when comes the time its over and you are out of your misery

  11. depends on the prison (are we talking a prison in africa or the UK?) depends on the method of death (lethal injections being the least traumatic & hanging/shooting being the freakiest).

    generally, i'd say death penalty is worse. at least with life imprisonment there's usually hope for parole, & if ur in a decent prison u get an opportunity to take classes, make friends with other inmates, have a menial job (with menial pay) - activities to keep ur mind alive.

  12. Death Penalty

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