
Death at my doorknob?

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I had this odd dream where we went to florida on vacation and death, as a person murderd my family and burned down the restraunt near our hotel. I put my hand on his like you would clap hands with somebody and got blown backwards. please help me find out what this means.




  1. your protectful of your family or wish to be more spiritually connected or closer to your family.

  2. well.... since you call urself a "young psychic," you should know the answer yourself.

    anyway, i don't actually think dreams/nightmares mean anything.

  3. There is a situation involving your family that is causing you to be highly emotional right now.  Being on vacation, in your dream, means that you are emotionally tired and need to revitalize. Your family being murdered, the burning restaurant suggests that your feelings are overwhelming you and that you need emotional support outside of your family (they are murdered in your dream). The hotel represents that you are going through a transitional phase in your life.

    The killer in your dream signifies that you feel that you are losing your identity and your individualism. You may also be taking up for yourself. You clasping your hands around the killer's hand means two things, that you are trying to get a hold on the situation and that you may be a little closemindedness about listening to other's suggestions. The explosion, when you touch his/her hands signifies that you are repressing anger and rage that is now coming to the surface.

    I don't know how old you are, but all in all, you are a person who is trying to grow up and become independent. You and your family may have different ideas about how you should accomplish this, but you are someone who definitely has postive feelings about yourself and feel like you know what you want. You may be a little rebellious in that you don't want others (your family) to tell you what to do or how to do it. My advice is to bend a little in allowing others to give you their opinions, but don't lose you confidence and your own ideas in the process. Be aware of other people's feelings while your trying to become independent.

  4. ummmm.

    with the first person.

    shouldn't you be able to answer that ms "young phsychic"?
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