
Debate at work ... opinions needed?

by  |  earlier

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co worker wants to design a shirt... and use patches ( in this case, army "arrows" that rank you) on the sleeve...

whats your opinion of using any patch military... religious ... or any kind that you are suppose to earn on a shirt or placed so people can see?..... if you didnt earn it.

thank you for your input...

i vote that you shouldnt do it ... far as military goes. they work so hard to earn those to have someone just "support " it for nothing




  1. As a former bouncer, I have seen more than one fight break out because someone was using a military item as a fashion statement.  

    I understand the argument if it is designed as a support the troops statement, but in general it is in poor taste and I would not recommend selling items for fashion that people have sweat, bled and died trying to earn.

  2. Please do not use items that can be earned through years of hard work through military, LEO, etc.

    It is of really bad taste, and disminishes the idea of ranks and awards.

  3. In the 1960s there was a Federal law prohibiting the use of military insignia on civilian clothing.It was never enforced and so the hippies got away with wearing them.I don't know if this law still exists.

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