
Deficient in something??

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I've been a vegetarian for about a month and I've been watching my protein and everything but I seem to have n and off stuffy noses and headaches. Is this because I'm deficient in something, or do I just have a cold? Please help I feel like p**p.




  1. Soybeans are high in iron and protein too.  Are you getting a lot more dairy in your diet?  You may be lactose intolerant.  It's not an allergy, but can cause problems.  Try a week without dairy (use soymilk) to see if that makes a difference.

    You might want to take a vitamin supplement for a couple of weeks to see if that helps.

    Good Luck!

  2. That's a hard question to answer.

    It could be anything.

  3. Hon, don't worry I'm sure you will be fine. I'll message you some charts of what you should eat everyday and you'll feel better.

  4. Are you eating something that you may possibly be allergic to? Something new in your diet?

  5. You probably have allergies, or a cold. It is pretty unlikely that in a month you would become deficient in nutrients(the body stores vitamins/etc for awhile in case of emergency use).

    Dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark, leafy green vegetables, and dried fruit are good sources of iron. To help your body absorb non-animal sources of iron, eat foods rich in vitamin C — such as strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli — at the same time you consume iron-containing foods.

  6. When I get like that, it is my allergies kicking in.

    If your feeling that bad - my suggestion would be to see a doctor vs. taking advice from people off the internet.

    With all the different things that they have been having recent problems with in the food, recalls and warnings not to eat different things - going to the doctor would seem wise if such isn't common for you.

  7. When you make any significant change in the way you eat, your body can go through mild to significant flu-like symptoms. I think some call it a "healing crisis." The first time I went off sugar, it took a very long, smelly month for very bad breath and farting to subside. Now I get a runny nose when I go on or off a certain ingredient.

  8. You probably have an iron deficiency because you aren't eating meat.  This can be particularly hazardous if you are a girl.  Take a supplement, or have a hamburger!

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