
Define: Sin. Please?

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fyi. I am an atheist




  1. Offense to God.

  2. Sin is where you break one of the ten commandments of God.  

  3. Salvation is a contract offered by the Savior YAHOSHUA.  Take His name, follow His rules (Torah) you become His 'bride' and He saves you.    Sin is transgression of the Law.  (Breaking Torah) --1John 3:4--  If you have truly become one with the Savior, you will choose to do those things that please Him.

  4. It's whatever your particular interpretation of Abrahamic lore considers to be bad.

  5. It's rather arbitrary depending on whom you ask.

    It's a concept used for political , moral and economic bullying.

  6. "SIN" is merely e ridiculous reference to Religion, which is, in MY opinion, also a "Sin".

  7. Missing the mark.

    In medieval times, when archers were practicing their shooting techniques, if an arrow went off course it was said that the "arrow sinned".

    It missed its mark.

  8. Sin is the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the hypotenuse.

  9. one more point for beign hellbound.

  10. Sin is falling short of the Lord's perfection.

    We are all sinners.  Only Jesus never sinned.

    All the good deeds in the world won't pay for even one of your sins.  "Living well" won't pay for even one of your sins, no matter how hard you try.

    Jesus already paid for all your sins, but you must believe it to be saved.  Either Jesus pays for your sins, or you pay for them in eternal torment in h**l.  There is no third option.  That is the choice before you.

    The only way to be saved and to go to heaven and to avoid being sent to eternal h**l, is by you believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   :)

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  11. Disobedience.

  12. disobedience of Gods law. defined as; transgression, unrighteousness,  omission of known duty, anything that is not of faith, and thoughts of foolishness

  13. Victimless crime... a transgression against divine law... no divine = no trasngression against divine law..= no such thing as sin..

  14. A marketing device to keep the clergy busy...!

  15. 1 a: an offense against religious or moral law b: an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible <it's a sin to waste food> c: an often serious shortcoming : fault

    2 a: transgression of the law of God b: a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God

  16. Any act that causes separation from God.

    Tendency to sin is not a sin. It is the "choice" to sin.

    God love you!

  17. sin = opposite / hypotenuse

  18. Any act regarded as a transgression of "divine law", esp. a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.

    The idea of sin was created in order to control a primitive, mostly illiterate society during a time when there was no organized police force or centralized judicial system. It was more or less effective given the circumstances. Certainly it was a seductive idea, because it still exists to this day.

  19. Doing something contrary to God's will. If it doesn't bring you closer to God, then you are moving away.

    If you are serious, check out and get the answers to Life's Biggest questions.

  20. When you do wrong in the eye's of God.

  21. Sin is a word that means to break a rule or law. Originally laws were just agreements that early civilizations regarded as common sense, that most all people would agree to behave by these virtues or unwritten rules, as you would want other people to respect you and treat you in a good way, you to in return should treat others that same way.

    There are two basic poles of behavior, one is constructive and the other is destructive.

    The word repent simply means to turn your back to, or to stop a certain activity.

    While some constructive behaviors help you and other behaviors help others, the same rule applys to destructive behavior, sometimes it effects you badly and sometimes it effects somebody else badly,

    The language can be irritating when it comes from somebody that has a self centered or judgmental corrector, but the reason people should repent or stop destructive behavior is that it makes life better for them and all those around them.

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