
Definition of anthropogenic activity?

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Definition of anthropogenic activity?




  1. Referring to things, events, or actions whose origins can be traced to the activities of individual people or human groups.

  2. relating to the study of the origins and development of human beings

    Anthropogenic effects, processes, objects, or materials are those that are derived from human activities, as opposed to those occurring in natural environments without human influences.

    The term is often used in the context of environmental externalities in the form of chemical or biological wastes that are produced as by-products of otherwise purposeful human activities. For instance, a scientific consensus holds that man-made carbon dioxide is the primary factor driving climate change.


    Anthropogenic sources include industry, agriculture, mining, transportation, construction, habitations and deforestation.


    Release of gases and dust into the atmosphere.

    Waste disposal practices.

    Air pollution, water pollution.


    Conversion of woodlands into fields and pastures including slash-and-burn techniques.

    Diversion of surface and groundwater.

    Ground water salinization due to inadequate drainage.

    Pollution of soil and water by chemicals found in fertilizer and pesticides.

    dirty or unclean water


    Removal of topsoil and creation of spoil piles.

    Diversion of groundwater by mine shafts.

    Surface runoff bearing mining wastes.

    Release of air pollution by refining processes.


    Diversion of surface water flow by roadways.

    Vehicular air pollution.

    Roadway noise, aircraft noise and transit noise.


    Removal of natural habitats by grading and building

    Diversion of groundwater.

    Filling in marshes, baylands, swamps, ponds, stream beds.


    Concentration of human activities in discrete zones.

    Concentration of waste products, sewage, and debris.

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