
Definitions and sentences??

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Contubernal (n): The person with whom one shares a tent

If you're going to be my contubernal, you can put those baked beans down right now.

Retrogenuflexophobia (n): A morbid fear of the knees bending backwards

He got a wee touch of the retrogenuflexophobia on the Aggy Ridge. We needed a rope to get him down.

Septentrional (adj): Pertaining or tending to the north

This compass seems to have lost all idea of septentrionalism. Did you leave it on top of the loudspeakers or what?

Smaragdine (adj): Emerald green

So he was completely smaragdine by the time we got him off the Aggy Ridge. Or: Watch and not step on the smaragdine moss. Whoops! Boggy, isn't it?

I need help with 5 more words ????




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