
Degenerative disc disease?

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have you or any one you know been dx with degenerative disc disease?

how was it you ever get over painful is it...




  1. conservative management with nsaid drugs , physiotherapy gave relief ,

  2. I have it. All of us do to a certain degree after about age 30. For some of us, it can become debilitating, leading to ruptured discs, chronic pain, back surgeries. But some do well by being aware and taking care of their back, learning to lift things properly, and to exercise in a way that will not harm the spine. I am semi-lucky, I can still walk and only take a minimum of pain killers and muscle relaxers daily. I have a number of other bone/joint/connective tissue/muscle diagnoses, and two back surgeries, so who knows which came first? You just have to learn to deal with it. Very frustrating and frightening at first, then you learn what you can and cannot do, and move on. It beats the alternative of dying! Physical therapy, chiropractic care, back braces, and education are key.

  3. I was always a work-horse my whole life. A man of great strength. Used to tote those big floor model console televisions all by myself. thought it only made me stronger (it did) what I did not know is it also ruins your spinal column and the discs between the vertebrae. It is extremely painful I deal with great pain anytime I stand and can only walk short distances. There is no cure other than surgery. Until then I suffer. the doctors have now become too pharmaphobic ( a word I coined to describe the current medical profession) to prescribe any effective  pain-medicine that helps ease the pain.

  4. Many people have it and dont find out until they get an xray for something else, like a chest xray.  No you cannot get over it. In severe cases, they can do surgery on  the spine but that is dangerous and the out come is sometimes worse than the disease.  

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