
Deja Vu and U......?

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Ok – So my theory is that when I have that feeling of “Deja Vu” it is because I have dreamed about that exact situation. I know for a fact that I have dreamed something and it in return has come true and I initially had that feeling before realizing it was a dream of mine in the past. The instances I have in mind were spaced apart and the dreams were in some cases a month to a year before the actual event happened. This has lead me to believe that we dream our future; however big or small the event is! Please don’t misunderstand me; I do not think that all my dreams come true, just that the Deja vu is a result of my dreams! What do you think, where do you think that feeling of Deja vu stems from?




  1. Definitely interesting. I think Deja vu comes from dreams but also maybe (in my personal opinion) from the experiences of your past life... (I'm Buddhist) that's just me.

  2. I thought that this happened to me once, in middle school. I lost my books in the library, then found them on a desk, and I remembered remembering a dream about this very scenario as I was waking up. But then I realized that I had actually had deja vu twice over (I thought that I had remembered remembering something that was actually just happening for the first time). I actually thought that I was a psychic for a few minutes. Before you get too carried away, make sure that you actually had the dreams, and that you aren't just mistaking short term memory for long term memory. You could keep a dream journal, to prove to yourself that the dreams did happen. If it still works, it could make for a very interesting case study.

  3. another life

  4. i been having those alot lately

    can you believe i had deja vu while giving my girlfriend oral?

  5. No this is not interesting at all because all I read was Deja Vu and U......?

  6. That COULD be where Deja Vu comes from...

    Hmmm. I don't really know, though.

    It happens to me ALOT.

  7. I get that sort of feeling quite often. I do tend to have a lot of really vivid dreams and then parts of them come true. I think it may just be something to do with putting things together in your mind and thinking it's happened when it hasnt though.

  8. Omg this exact same thing happens to me all the time, once i walked into a building that i had never been in before and everything i dreamed happened to the littlest detail, it was like the show medium lol, I walked in and a bunch of school kids on a trip walked past, and i even dreamt the colour of their uniform, and then an alarm sounded we all had to leave because someone set up the fire alarm, and again i dreamt all of it even down to the sound of the alarm, it was really weird, at least know i know im not alone lol

  9. I agree with you completely this happens to me a lot its weid and i even have the same thinking as you do when this happens! .... freaky

  10. i know wut u meannn!

    this happens to me alottt its kinda creepy..

    or maybe we just think it happened..

    but idk..

    it is pretty interesting tho

  11. Maybe, fate really exists, and your entire life is planned out, and only the smallest part of your brain knows this. Therefore you dream it, some more often than others, and it comes true. :)

  12. Well with me it started when I was 16. At first it felt like "hey this looks familiar", then it progressed to "I swear I dreamt of this before" then I paid close attention to my dreams and found out that a lot come true.

    It even got to the point were I was dreaming in the future and thought to myself "I dreamt this before" !, which later happened in the same exact

    I cannot explain it. But it's obviously the future and I can't deny it.

    Perhaps it's just a result of math in your brain. That is you know yourself and your environment and you can see the logical result of all this in advance. Or perhaps we are being programmed and people like us are just able to remember the programming we recieved that comes in the form of dreams.

  13. didn't you ask this question before? ( i know you didn't lol, i was just making a really bad deja vu joke :p)

    that's an interesting theory but it would be based on the assumption that we are all somewhat psychic. as there seems little evidence to suggest that people can accurately and consistently predict future events, this seems unlikely (have you ever heard the headline 'psychic wins lottery'?)

    no one is really certain why we dream what we dream and 'prediction' dreams are certainly something rare and difficult to explain so you are lucky! as for the cause, it may be a case of coincidence or 'making links' or perhaps even self-fulfilling prophecies (if you think something is going to happen, you might subconsciously 'make it happen').

    deja vu itself is an interesting subject. from what i understand, one theory is that our brain thinks that information that we are currently taking in is actually coming from our memory instead of being in our immediate 'attention', which gives us the impression that we recognise a situation. there are many theories on it though, may be worth researching :)

  14. I think Deja Vu is a brain relapse.   Your brain is seeing something and replaying it immediately after, so it feels as if you have seen it before.

  15. I often think about this because i feel deja vu often in some cases i do believe that dreaming is a big part of deja vu i don't think it is the only part though dreaming is a way to clear you mind from the stress of daily life you mind wonders and thinks up many situations but sometimes your mind is tricked and your dream is so real it feels as though it happened i believe this is one of the causes because if a similar event were to occur in you real life you brain might connect to similar events one dreamt and the present occurence in you real life it is possible your brain vaguely remembers your dream and thoguh it wasn't the same connects the two as though it already happened.

    but i also believe that dreaming is part of another life or dimension and the way we relieve stress is playing situations in your dreams or other life to make it as though the stressful part never occured

  16. I definitely think Dreams are the source of Deja Vu and i just recently had an instance of it happening but i dreamt about it like 2 years ago. Its weird we can see the future before it happens sometimes.....

  17. I have those all the time, I've been looking for something, and I had a dream it was in a box I had in my closet, and I looked there, and there it was the same exact things were in that box that were in my dream. I've had these dreams all my life. But also other types of this stuff, like one dream I seen a date, a gas station, and a whole bunch of ambulances and firetrucks, ect. Well a few days later we drove past that gas station on that same date I seen, and I seen all of those emergency trucks like that.

    And I'll be talking to someone and I'll just randomly feel like I've did this before, same words same place same way same time, ect.

    Also I have some sense bad weather is coming, a week in advance, I had a dream abouit some hurrican that was barely anything,but nobody knew about it and it snuck up on us, and sure enough a week later Hurrican Humberto suprised us all.

    And I place bets about what will come on the radio in like 3 or 4 songs, cuz I always knoe somehow, even if I hadn't heard before, or I had no sure way of knowing. I've never been wrong lol

  18. Hi  crystal_lipp let's see Precognitive experiences  show things that will happen in the future, not things that you've already experienced. (However, one theory about déjà vu deals with precognitive dreams that give us a "déjà vu feeling" afterwards.

  19. Yes Oh my gosh, it's true it happens too me alot too. That's what deja vu is a dream of the future that is actally true.
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