
Deja vu, psychic or coincidence?

by Guest21186  |  earlier

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I dreamt I got robbed, details very specific, when I worked as a manager of a fast food restaurant.

The next night, I had to do twice the amount of bankings at 2am in the night safe at the bank, when 3 guys jumped me.

It was exactly as I had dreamt, 2 jumped from a flat roof whilst one swept my legs from under me, then they began giving me a pasting before making off with the money.

The start of the shift I even said to my area manager that I'd dreamt I got robbed, but he just laughed it off.

Even the people in my dream that I could recognise ended up being involved in the robbery as they helped set it up.

How can that be explained?




  1. Deja vu, is the feeling that an incident has happened before. What you are describing is precognition. Or a foreknowledge of events.

    I am highly skeptical of all reports of the paranormal, we simply don't know. We have string theory, bizarre happenings with quantum mechanics, etc....

    Is it possible? Yes. I have had precognitive dreams a time or two, but I chalk it up to coincidence. I once had a dream about a mortar attack. A few days later, I was scounting an area not marked on the map as an impact area, nor were any signs apparent, when I had incoming. (The place haden't been used for that purpose in 40 yrs.)

    I imaginein your field, whatever it might be, that this sort of thing does occur, you had a dream, and your number came up.

  2. Probably an extremely unfortunate coincidence.

    If it was a prescient dream as a warning, surely you wouldn't have gone to bank the money?

    And why, if you so clearly recognised the individuals from your dream, didn't you make your escape as soon as you spotted the first of them?

    If I were your boss, and you told me earlier in the shift that you had dreamt you had been robbed and then actually were in the same circumstances, I would - rightly or wrongly - be somewhat suspicious!

  3. I am not sure what it is or why it's there but its real. Something was warning you. It may happen again tomorrow and it may not happen again. I have had this happen to me twice in my life but never as a dream. I am sure that many people could give you explanations and points of view but in the end because it deals with your mind and visions of future events no one could give you real physical evidence as an explanation. Lesson learned...listen to your intuition.

  4. Have you had premonitions before?  Some people have them, and you should nurture it.  If you have a talent, I'd say that you are working for the wrong people, maybe you should work for yourself as a psychic.

    I'm sure that you were helpful with the police...the police actually deal with people that have premonitional power more than normal off the street people...and they would have to prove in court that you were involved.  You were a good help to them in all the robbery information.

  5. Was I in Your dream, or were You in mine?

  6. Sounds like what is called a premonition.... I believe that we are all born with divine intuition... I used to have dreams like this when I was younger and found them to be called deja vu dreams... whatever you call it... God was trying to warn you.

  7. Psychic id say as i had some thing simmilar a few times, there was a story on tv on the news i drempt about it 10 mths before it happened, it played on my mind so much, i wish i had believed in my self more and contacted police then they may have caught the killer sooner.

  8. I have experienced deja vu several times, but I prefer to believe logical explanation rather than all the claptrap about foreseeing the future.

    My experiences have been nothing spectacular.  One was when I was visiting a place I had never been to before and yet I felt the place was very familiar and knew what was around the next corner.

    Another was that I was carrying out a task I had never done before and yet I had the curious feeling that I had done the task before.

    The explanation to the first experience was that I had probably seen the location on TV, or in a movie, in a picture book or in a magazine. Browsing can often lead you to ask "now where have I seen that before?"

    Unrequested or unassociated information, such as advert content that you aren't interested in, won't be filed in your memory in the same way that deliberately acquired information will be stored, so its recall could be triggered by you seeing something familiar to what is contained in the "miscellaneous" part of your memory, giving you the feeling that you had been to a place before. The uneasy feeling that usually follows is because you know you haven't been to the place before but you have no link to identify the reason you have that memory.

    The second experience was probably because I had been subconciously thinking about doing the task, which was quite compicated.  For some time, I had been chewing it over in my subconcious. When I came to do the task, all that subconcious memory, a sort of mental rehersal of the task, came to the fore, making me think that I was doing the task for the second time.

    My views on your premonition, which is a more apt description of your experience than "deja vu", is that you may have subconciously been worried that such an event might take place because of recent events involving those who perpetrated the robbery, or, your suspicions that those responsible were the types that would rob you.  Maybe it's the way you had seen them looking at you, or being around more often than normal. You had subconciously witnessed their preperation for the deed.

    This triggered your dream, which became reality when your subconcious fears turned out to be well founded.

  9. That's the funny thing I guess. It sort of shows how it's impossible to believe that this world was created by co-incidence, but rather something that is extremely powerful eg. a God

  10. it can be explained by the phenomenon of coincidence and general theory of bull ****.deja vue already seen is just experiences by passing your short term memory straight to your long term memory giving you the feeling being here before.its all just **** any way no god no ghosts no supernatural.wat do they have a pact that they all swear by wen they die that says we cant just go on the TV and say hey everyone look we do carry on after life look at me i can fly and walk through walls.tosss

  11. I would also love to know.  Logically it can be explained by coincidence, but there is still that "air of mystery"

    I also had a deja vu experience once....nothing bad like yours.

    I went to a quiz evening.  They had a raffle draw and as the MC started speaking, things became REALLY familair ie the setting, the people and how they were sitting/standing. eg he chose his scorer to draw as  she had been sick.  I told my friends and said that someone very close to us would win.  Low and behold the people next to us at the next table won a prize and a member of our team got another.  Everyone was really impressed!! Its never happened again!

  12. I find your story very hard to believe. I think that you knew what was going to happen because of your dream so before going to the bank you made a little deposit of almost all the money at your house then went to the bank as scheduled knowing they would be there to rob you and all you had in the bank bags was about ten buck in each bag. The crime happens they get their little chump change you get yours and when they get caught their charged with all the money and no ones the wiser.

    Well that's the dream I had...

  13. thats called a premonition dream

    i have them as well I keep it quiet cause folk think  

    your wierd    I've had them all my life

    dont think they can be explained  scientifically

    just except it thats all you can do

  14. Well, it is definitely odd that your dream was so specific. But I would still put it down to coincidence. Six billion people having six billion dreams every night - sometimes they are going to coincide with real life.

    Spooky though, I'll give you that.

  15. It is both deja vu and psychism. I would say Psychism because I am psychic I do the same thing all of the time. Sometimes I will dream things while I am awake.  But, this is not a coincidence.

  16. I think your subconscious was in tune to the events leading up to the robbery (i.e.: possibly dishonest or criminal employee, busier than usual day coming up) and you were warning yourself. Therefore, it wouldn't have been coincidence, but it wouldn't qualify as psychic, since it would have been based on actual knowledge. It's just a mystery of the mind.

  17. What you are presenting is NOT deja vu.

    Deja vu (badly used as the title of a film) is the feeling that something has occurred to us before. It does NOT mean that this actually happens or not. In other words, IT IS NOT A PREMONITION.

    it is simply the feeling that we have been there before, or that we have seen something before.

    It is normal, but when it occurs too often, creates much insecurity, and is one of the preliminary phaenomenoms preceeding psychosis.

  18. A little psychic i'd say. I've had dreams that have been very close to coming true, just minor details that were different.

    Yours is quite scary.

  19. i rather would say it was a revelation,because you dream of

    it with those details that you mention,it is not deja'vu,because

    deja'vu is when you get the 'glimpse' at the very moment,and that's when you say ('i had seen or live this before'),so as you can see is not deja'vu,coincidence does not exist,and psychic

    would be ;-in your case if you have that ability before that situation- that you describe,so i will say you had a very detailed revelation dream!quite strong!

  20. Dearie, either you are psychic, or have been expecting some thing like this to happen for a long time. Any way if you have not been harmed then well and good. But the next time heed warnings and try to change the pattern of your life style some way so that the odds are not stacked against you.

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