
Democracy does NOT work?

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if you are a democrat, why are you one???!?!?!?!?




  1. umm...yes it does.

  2. True democracy does work.  The problem is that this country is not truly democratic although it claims to be.  In a true democracy, the country is ruled buy the people.  However, in America, the government and the media control everything.  I am a democrat because I truly believe that America should be run by the people.  Just because it has not been done properly does not mean it will never work.  It just has never worked because it has never been a done properly.

  3. democracy only works if you made the right choice.

    Anyway, there is no such thing in this day and age. political party's are all the same with the same agenda. POWER.

    If it is supposed to be a democracy, then votes need to be cast on EVERYTHING by EVERYBODY otherwise its flawed.

    Sorry for using capitals to EMPHASIZE. Italics would be better if available. Ha!!

  4. Democracy and democrat are not the same thing idiot.

    Democracy works, the problem in america is that we have a 2 party system that has tweeked the system enough that you and my votes don't matter.

    Electorial college needs abollished.

  5. The improvements in the lives of people living in democracies the past 200 years in comparison to what existed before pretty much proves you wrong. Democracy, run by human beings, is far from perfect, but it beats the tar out of all the alternatives. Your youtube nonsense doesn't change that one bit.

  6. I am a democrat because I want to be it's better than being a republican because I am not rich,and even if I was rich I would still be a democrat. Republicans are only out for the rich people. The Democrats try to help the middle class and the poor people.

  7. I don't have to explain to you why I'm a democrat when you won't be able to comprehend it. Anyone who believes that democracy doesn't work isn't of the mental caliber to hear any arguments for anything.

  8. how about it would work if we had people that dident change the laws to make them selfs win or if we actually had a reasonable system for voteing.

  9. democracy vs dictatorship

  10. But America is not a Democratic country. We are a Republic. That is not to say that we're all republican or democratic, but that we live in a Republic. And to quote Winston Churchill (and I think also Ben Franklin) "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the rest."

  11. If democracy does not work, then what do you think of Switzerland, a showcase of direct democracy and one of the most successful countries in the world? Rated higher than the US in quality of life along with several others.

    I'd also like to point that the political system called "democracy" has little to do with the political agenda of the Democratic Party in the US.

    Some education probably wouldn't hurt you.

  12. I fear for Democracy because if the majority of people are a bunch of uneducated, immoral idiots, this will be representative in the society's government. If you take a look at the youth of this country -- they're going to be running the country in a few years, even in this upcoming election they will play a role. The materialistic, naive, self-absorbed American Idol generation is going to be running this country. The same people who vote based on looks, celebrity status, names or what one eats for breakfast are going to be in control of this entire country. Scary thought, huh?

  13. When the Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution, they had in mind as an electorate, an educated, informed populace and to make sure that the voters were responsible individuals, they also stipulated that in order to vote, you had to be a property-owner.

    Our population has changed drastically since the days after the Revolution and so have the requirements to become a voter.  Some good, some bad.

    The population is no longer educated or well-informed.  True, most have gone to school, but with the condition of our state-run education system, the children of the last 40 years or so have been "dumbed-down" in that they have NOT been educated in our country's history or the Constitution and how our government is supposed to work.  They are unaware of the principles of self-government as intended by the writers of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  They have been brought up believing that the government is responsible for all success and happiness and government programs and largess will take care of them from cradle to grave.  They have been brought up believing that the United States is the harbinger of all that is wrong with the world and have no pride in our country's history and tradition.  For this I blame parents, the Department of Education, and the Teacher's Unions.

    Democracy does NOT work when the people learn that they can feed themselves from the trough of government slop.

    Our elected officials ignore the Constitution when the pass laws that interfere with our private lives and personal freedoms and create departments and bureaucracies that have no basis in legality as stated in the Constitution.  There is no authorization for a Department of Education, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (renamed under Homeland Security).  The Income Tax is illegal as the Constitution states that no direct tax can be levied on the population.  Only the States are allowed to do that in order to contribute to the Federal General Fund.

    Democracy does NOT work when the government exceeds the authority granted to it by the people.

    And like you said, if you're a democrat, what in the world for??

  14. We have a rebulic, not a democracy.

  15. Yes, you're right, and the idiots statements above are one of the reasons why it's so dangerous.

    These people are completely clueless, yet they get to vote, and usually vote for the guy who says he's going to give us all the most freebies.

    That's why we are A REPUBLIC.

    Pure Democracy is overrated and over-hyped, because it is essentially mob rule, and yet most people in this country forget this, and that's why we ARE becoming more of a pure democracy every day, to our detriment.

    Democracy is everyone on your street voting and deciding the black family has to move.  

    Majority rules, right?

    Or as I've heard it better said; "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting for what to eat for lunch"

    A Republic is what our founding fathers voted in, and that's what us having a constitution is all about - so the minority is protected from the majority.

    The majority voting "what to have for lunch" is the problem with a pure democracy.

  16. A very interesting video!

    I've always known we had more of a Republic, I mean come on people, it's states that we are a Republic in the Plege of Allegiance!

    "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

    We've never had a true Democracy, and that video really explains things well!

    Not really sure what being a democrat has to do with the video tho.

    Most of what I understand about the Democratic party, or it's politicians anyway, is that they want more government programs and controls, not less like a true Democracy.

    The extreme Left wingers seem to want something closer to a socialist approach; Where the government takes care of all our needs. They want to make everything "fair" and "equal" for all people.

    A nice sentiment, but not practical.

    It's the Republicans, at least in the past, who have been all about smaller government.

  17. your question is odd. democracy is the polical structure of our country, not the political ideals of the democratic party.

    and if you're saying democracy or republics as a political system don't work, you're right. they all fail. it's only a matter of time.

  18. it does work

  19. It is correct that democracy does not work. Democracy is mob rule. It is a good thing that America is a Republic and not a democracy.

  20. Democracy is a system of government by which political sovereignty is retained by the people and either exercised directly by citizens or through their elected representatives.

    Copy and pasted from the web site below....

    Please no what words means before posting such a question hu? Or do you live in a communistic society? Go, shuffle on over and look up communistic society.....

    Ignorance is sometimes not pretty.

  21. Not a TRUE democracy - I think it is a good thing - America has an Elite system, which seems to work... A few Elites run the country... it is possible to join the elites if you are:

    1. Born into it

    2. Smart enough to work your way up...

    it is better than having an oligarchy (where there is no social movement) or an authoritarian leader...

  22. The United States is a Democratic Republic.  Majority rule with limitations set out by the rule of law. We do not create law, the people we put into political office create and enforce the laws for us.

    Good video. Interesting points.

  23. "Democracy does not work" ??

    You have a BETTER idea??? Maybe Fascism, or Theocracy???

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