
Depression at 15?? ?

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I know when some people will read this they'll say that it's a normal teenage thing but I am truly feeling depressed these days.

I don't cry that much & these days ive been going through really horrible things that I Don't even have much sleep anymore.

I lost everything that meant a lot to me &

It's been horrible enough because I found out that I had a hormonal problem which is hard to cure and babies mean everything to me .

the idea of not having them kills me already. And I'm taking 6 pills a day which cause horrible mood swings and very very bad headaches.

I don't have reliable friends here & my parents go through so much already which makes it impossible to talk to someone.

a week ago me & my bf nearly broke up and because of that i'm feeling even more insecure with the medicines already having that effect on me. He's not been here enough and I feel like he's going to leave me any day .

I feel so depressed & sucidal that its scary.

I'm scared to sleep.

Scared to even go out because my bf might call and I won't be home and he might leave me.

I feel so depressed and I have noone to talk to.

Someone please help :(

I can't do this anymore I'm truly scared that I end up killing myself at the end.

I tried it before and didnt succeed

I just need advice...

thanking u in advance




  1. Ive been through the same thing and you definately need to talk to someone. Be sure its someone you trust and can rely on or they may end up hurting you. I dont know you but talk to your parents, and get the number of a suicide hotline. Keep it with  you incase you have any sudden urges or deep depression. Just rember that everything passes eventually. You might want to find a shrink and talk, but talk it releases endorfins which help you feel better.

  2. hun i've been threw this, i turned sixteen a few weeks ago and finally fings have gotten a lil better x

  3. if u think it is that bad u need to make sure your parents no it and get them to take u to a shrienk my bestfriend had the same problem and his parents didnt belive him till they had to take him to the hospital for overdosing on pills
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