
Depression loosing weight?!

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im 17 im on a waiting list for a psychiatrist gp transfered me for depression.. but i dont feel like eating at all... i eat a bit... but im loosing weight what should i do?!i dont go out at all either... just sit in my room mostly




  1. Getting out will help. Even if you dont feel like it, get out. The more active you are, the better appetite you will have.

  2. You have to find activities to do. Play video games if you have to go out and join a gym. Find a good christian Church. An I wouldent take the meds for depression if I were you either. I took em when I had depression supposedly couple years back and they didnt help at all. Basically all you have to do is find new activities to do and keep your mind off of what is making you sad. Seriously though every1 gets sad once inawhile lets not call it depression.. unless your sucidal you dont have depression IMO

  3. Sometimes you don't realise that eating something will make you feel better. Not eating for too long will make you feel depressed or even a little sick at the thought of food. Ironically, sometimes eating will make nausea go away. To get out of your room...everyday treat yourself to something special...go out to eat (how about cheesecake) or go window shopping. Remember to love yourself and you will get better.

  4. Maybe it's not a psychiatrist that you need.  Get out more, get fresh air, take a brisk walk daily, talk to friends, make friends.  And look at what you are eating or not eating.  Make yourself eat.  Eat a sensible diet including plenty of protein and fruits and vegetables.  Drink plenty of fresh, filtered water.  Think about what kinds of music, movies, and books you may be focusing your mind on, and don't allow yourself to dwell on the negatives.  Refocus on positive things.  Get busy and just decide you are going to be happy.  I know there can be alot more to depression but sometimes it's just a matter of the everyday simple adjustments that you can make in your lifestyle that will help you more than a mental health professional.  Also, consider the spiritual aspect of your life.  I recommend a good relationship with God thru Jesus Christ.  Talk to a pastor.  There's some great herbal products that help with the depression also.  

  5. Its a sad feeling coz of which u r loosing appetite. U will have to take hold of urself (although being in depression it might be a challenge), but still, eat short meals frequently. Also, try eating green vegetables so that they will help u overcome ur depression. Believe me green vegetables can do miracles.

    Keep some food around like cake or chocoloate or fruits which you can nibble and then save it for sometime later.  

  6. Force yourself to eat 3 square meals a day.  It's really that simple.  And yes, I was like you at one point in my life.  Lost about 30 pounds due to depression.  Seriously, just force yourself to eat 3 square meals a day.  Go out and force yourself to have a good time as well.  Sitting in your room all day wont make things any better for you.  I suggest you find some way to get rid of your depression before you get on meds.  They may help, but they all have nasty side affects.  I am bi-polar so I have been fighting really bad depression all my life.  Trust me, you need to try and fix this depression before you start popping happy pills.  Resort to meds only if you can't better your self.  Do go see the psychiatrist but ask him what you can do to lift your depression.  Don't ask him right off the bat for the biggest baddest happy pill on the market.  Meds have ruined and improved my life.

  7. Try exercising- it helps increase endophins and makes you feel better.  Eat protein, avoid junk food.  You can just do push ups and other calistenics in your house, but getting out in the sun for 30 minutes a day can also increase your sense of wellbeing.

    Depression takes away your energy, I know, but these measure may help you get through the days.  You can also try taking some St John's Wort, which is a mild antidepressant.

  8. losing weight is a emotional and physical journey. you should listen to the doctors because they know best... even though you might not think so.. just trust them.. and you will be better and back out of your room again. just give it time.  

  9. Loosing weight (or even gaining weight in some cases) and isolation are some of the most common effects of depression. Afterall if you are truly in some form of despair, then eating or socializing are probably the last thing on your mind. You've made the right step in seeking help -- just make sure that you follow through with your appointment and with any treatment that the doctor prescribes. Some of the new generation treatments and medications out there are phenomenal, with great success. I believe that once you begin to take hold of your depression, that your  other problems will slowly disappear. I found myself a wonderful, trustworthy doctor who believed in helping me, and I've been doing wonderfully for over 10 years now.  

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