
Desprate for parenting advice!?

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If u have a man who is a truck driver and u have a 2 yr and 1yr old, and the 2yr old test ur paitience to the limit when his dad is gone and is an angel when his dad is around, what the h**l! I spank him, do time out and am in the middle of getting my nursing license back, I am stressed to the limit and feel like I spend 90% of the day yelling at my child, any ideas for a overstressed mom in the middle of a breakdown.




  1. Maybe instead of getting mad you just ignore (some) of his behavior.

    He's looking for a reaction and you are giving him a negative one.

    Be calm and try (as hard as it is) not to yell all the time, maybe he wants more attention then he's getting and this is the only way he knows how to get any.

  2. I am a stay at home mother of 4 and my husband is a Truck Driver/Truck Mechanic.  On the days he is gone out of state, the kids turn into something else it seems.  I understand!  Instead of spanking or yelling, ignore him.  He will cry at first, but will get over it and he will learn how to entertain himself (at least for periods of 15 min. or so).  Eventually the length will increase, make sure he is in a safe "baby proof" room and in your sight.  Ignoring him doesn't me neglecting him.  Just simply don't recognize or respond to his outbursts and if he makes a mess,  clean it up the first time (ignoring him and NO eye contact) he will get the point.  Most important, remember that these are your precious children and their father is just trying to support them.  Keep up with the schooling for you, recruit help from family, relax.  These years will fly by, now we know why (we can't take them too long)lol.

  3. Do you have anyone you can call to watch your kids for like an hour or so?  Maybe just to get your nails done, or walk around or just do absolutely nothing.  That might help you relieve a little stress.

    Also, try not to be so hard on your son.... he may just be missing his dad.  and doesn't know any other way to express his self.

    Good luck.

  4. well the first thing that is wrong abut your parenting skills is that you shouldn't be spanking him he's a 2 year old for heaven sakes!! yo need to develop a system with him that makes you happy and him happy for instance reward him with something at the end of the day and if he doesn't cooperate then he gets his reward taken away from him. give him love though he probably misses his dad sometimes. pretend your the child almost what would be your ideal parents??? then make yourself those dream parents.  

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